Deborah Anonymous – 10/11/11


This page was last updated on October 13, 2011.

House Bill No. 1077: A Bill To Legally Intimidate Women; Deborah [Anonymous]; My Ordinary Life via the Beaver Countian; October 11, 2011.

Below is a critique of excerpts from the subject opinion piece.

“Under the misleading title of the ‘Women’s Right-to-Know Act’ our elected officials have decided to attempt to legalize terrorizing Pennsylvania women who make the legal decision to obtain an abortion.  This bill is introduced to ‘protect women’.  My ass!!!!  The bill was introduced to bully, belittle, coerce and intimidate women into changing their mind about a decision that is, I’m sure, traumatic enough in the first place.”

[RWC] I don’t follow this website, but the article’s title intrigued me.  The piece turned out to be a leftist rant by an anonymous individual.

Using Ms. Anonymous rules, I’m not qualified to address this topic, but I’m willing to take the heat. <g>

“OK republican women……this is how your party represents you:”

[RWC] Ms. Anonymous presents this as a Democrat vs. Republican and female vs. male issue because that makes it easy to for her to demonize her opposition.  It’s an inconvenient truth for Ms. Anonymous, but plenty of Democrat women (and men) also oppose abortion for convenience.  As you’ll read below, that’s also true in the PA General Assembly.

You may remember Democrats barred the-late-Gov. Robert Casey from speaking at the 1992 Democrat convention because he was anti-abortion.  Further, according to Wikipedia, Mr. Casey took “the lead in fighting Planned Parenthood v. Casey, a major Supreme Court case that upheld almost all the prohibitions on abortion that Casey signed into law.”

“Pro-life (that’s a good thing, right?  I like life…).”

[RWC] Really?  As you’ll read below, Ms. Anonymous appears to have a rather negative view of a child’s potential for someone “[w]ith six children, three grandchildren” and who claims to “like life.”

“Anti-abortion, (well, I never heard any woman say she was pro-abortion, most just want control over their own body).”

[RWC] Of course few people have the guts to admit they’re pro-abortion.  Who would?  It’s a hideous position.  That’s why they hide behind warm-and-fuzzy euphemisms like “pro-choice.”  I think these folks do this as much for themselves as it is to deceive others.  If they didn’t know they were wrong, the pro-abortion crowd would not try to hide what they support.  It’s the same reason people choose to call themselves “progressives” instead of communists, Marxists, socialists, et cetera.

As for “most just want control over their own body,” isn’t that what unborn children might say if they could speak for themselves?  We’re talking about an unborn child, not a tumor.

“Anti- birth-control, (well…..wait….here’s where I get confused….you don’t want a woman to be able to abort a pregnancy, but you also don’t want her to have any control over whether or not she gets pregnant in the first place…sorry…not logical.)”

[RWC] Other than abortion, I have never heard of any proposed legislation from any party to make birth control illegal.  Religions vary on their position concerning birth control, but the religion we choose to follow is our choice.

“In addition, you don’t think birth control should be covered by insurance, but Viagra and Cialis should be.  (Also not logical.)”

[RWC] Impotence (aka erectile dysfunction) is a condition/disease.  The only way you can equate “birth control” with impotence medications is if you believe conception is a disease to be cured.

“Let’s see….oh, damn….abortion is legal in this country….

“Well, let’s just pass a bill that says we can terrorize women that exercise that legality and make it as difficult as we possibly can…legally….maybe she will be intimidated and change her mind ’cause we all know women don’t really have the intelligence to make a decision all by themselves…they need the guidance of their male religious leaders and male elected officials…..right?”

[RWC] As for “’cause we all know women don’t really have the intelligence to make a decision all by themselves,” I might agree if all I learned came from Ms. Anonymous’ rant.

As I wrote above, religions vary on their position concerning birth control, but the religion we choose to follow is our choice.  When we choose to follow a given religion, we pledge to live our lives according to that religion’s teachings, not the reverse.  It seems a bit Henry VIII-ish to demand the religion you follow to accommodate your desires.

“Once the child is born…… your job is done…. because you don’t believe in social programs that will help feed, clothe and educate that child.  To hell with him…or her….and if they make it to adulthood and don’t turn out so well, you are not going to pay for rehabilitating them….why should you…..just throw them in jail and let us all spend 25,000 dollars a year to keep each of them there until they rot.”

[RWC] Wow, what a negative view!  I think it’s fair to say the vast majority of us turn out OK.  At the complete other end of Ms. Anonymous’ spectrum, how many truly exceptional people never got to influence our lives because they were the victims of abortion for convenience?

As for the “social programs” BS, it appears Ms. Anonymous believes only government programs can “help feed, clothe and educate that child.”  This is a typical lefty tactic; if you don’t support the lefty approach to a challenge, you don’t care.  Should children in need get help?  Of course, but to the extent possible it should come from private charities funded by voluntary contributions, not by confiscating hard-earned money from hard-working taxpayers.  Let’s also remember there’s a waiting list for couples who want to adopt a child, particularly newborns.

“Oh, and you do believe in the death penalty….cause that’s not really anti-life, right?  Yeah, let’s forget about the part where we leave them in jail till they rot….let’s just kill them : )

“OK, my conservative counterparts… your best big girl voice….without resorting to imaginary friends….explain to me in a logical way, how that makes any sense at all.  Is that honestly how you want to be represented?”

[RWC] I wondered how long it would take Ms. Anonymous to get here.  Killing an unborn child for convenience isn’t remotely the same as executing a murderer after years of trials, reviews, and appeals.  The murderer chose to kill one or more persons.  What did an innocent unborn child do to deserve “the death penalty?”

“Don’t take my word for it….go read all 17 pages of the proposed bill yourself….and then tell me that it doesn’t make you as a woman more than a little outraged.  House Bill No. 1077    I am offended….and you should be too.  If you are offended, give Jim Christiana a piece of your mind….he could use it.  (I do not for the life of me understand how a man that young can think so old…..or how any man thinks he can tell me what I can and cannot do with my own body.)”

[RWC] What Ms. Anonymous probably hopes you don’t learn is the subject bill was introduced by both men and women, Democrat and Republican.  As Ms. Anonymous wrote, “Don’t take my word for it…. go read” the first page of House Bill No. 1077 (Session of 2011) and match the names of the bill’s introducers with the list of members of the PA House of Representatives.

I wonder why Ms. Anonymous is picking on Mr. Christiana (R-15).  The bill lists about 112 introducers, including Jaret Gibbons (D-10), another local guy.  Ms. Anonymous wouldn’t treat Messrs. Christiana and Gibbons differently simply because one’s a Democrat and the other’s a Republican, would she?  How about Deberah Kula (D-52) representing parts of Fayette and Westmoreland counties?  I’m sure it has nothing to do with trying to convince us only Republican males oppose abortion for convenience. <g>

Finally, this is probably a good time to mention the immediately-previous piece by Ms. Anonymous, “For Women Only.”  Here are a few excerpts from that post that made me smile after reading this rant from her.  I think it’s fair to say putting these articles back to back is an example of bad staging/timing.

“My aim is not to tell you what to do or think.”

“[T]here are women who will attack with a vengeance any thought that is not their status quo.”  [RWC] Fortunately, Ms. Anonymous isn’t like this. <g>

“Steer clear of religion, politics, science….it is difficult to find someone to discuss these issues with that is secure enough in themselves to debate issues without feeling threatened by a differing opinion.”  [RWC] Science?  Really?  I’m an engineer; that would be tough.

“As for me…I will try to respectfully disagree…and that is not being offensive or threatening in any way.  I welcome dialog…I welcome differing opinions…if you disagree, say so….you might give me reason to change my mind…you might make my life better…or we might agree to disagree.”

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