Beaver County Reds – 10/1/14


This page was last updated October 1, 2014.

PA Republicans Appeal to Racism; Randy Shannon, PDA 12th CD Chapter Progressive Democrats of America – Economic & Social Justice Team; October 1, 2014.

You can learn more about BCR’s leftster management team here.

Below is a critique of the subject piece.

“Most people already know or sense that Pennsylvania has dropped from 8th to 47th in job creation under Corbett.  That’s an important issue that Corbett lies about in this campaign mailer.”

[RWC] I haven’t seen the mailer and Mr. Shannon conveniently didn’t show the portion with the alleged “lie.” has a piece on the job creation issue entitled “Did Corbett Sink Pa. from 7th to 49th in Job Creation?  No.”  The Wolf quote on the portion of the alleged mailer Mr. Shannon did show is true and President Obama does want to wipe out coal-fired power plants.

Since Gov. Corbett took office (January 2011), the PA unemployment rate dropped from 8.1% to 5.8% (August 2014).  The U.S. unemployment rate for August 2014 was 6.1%.

“The real message in this mailer is subliminal.  ‘The effectiveness of subliminal messaging has been demonstrated to prime individual responses and stimulate mild emotional activity.’ – Wikipedia

“The images of Gubernatorial candidate Tom Wolf are several shades darker than the images of President Obama in this Republican mailer.  The reality is that Wolf’s skin color is much lighter than Obama’s.

“The purpose of this subliminal message is to stimulate voter turnout with an appeal to racial prejudice based on skin color.  The Republicans consider this effective now because they have spent the last couple years spreading racist images, jokes, cartoons, references, insinuations, insults, and lies about Obama.  They expect many voters to stay home on election day, discouraged by the failure of the government to address so many problems.  So the strategy is to use fear and racism to boost the turnout of Republican votes, overcoming their passivity in this election.”

[RWC] These people are insane!  Please read “Lefty race baiters” for more on this topic.

Since Mr. Shannon is concerned about racism, and probably more generally so-called “diversity,” what about the BCR management team?  BCR doesn’t appear to publish the names of its management team, but all the BCR managers I know about are white, college educated, heterosexual, not exactly spring chickens (currently ranging in age from mid-50s to 70s), and four of the five are male.  They all live in lily-white communities, ranging from 84% white to 98.1% white according to 2010 census data.  Mr. Shannon’s daughter received a scholarship named for a real racist, the late J. William Fulbright (D-AR), and Mr. & Mrs. Shannon appeared to be proud.  You can read more details here.

In Peace, Friendship, Community, Cooperation, and Solidarity. <g> 

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