Carl Davidson – 8/29/15


This page was last updated on September 27, 2015.

IS TRUMP A FASCIST?; Carl Davidson; Facebook; August 29, 2015.

You can learn more about BCR’s leftster management here.  “Leftster” is the combination of leftist and gangster, inspired by the left-originated “bankster.”

Carl Davidson (KD): “IS TRUMP A FASCIST?  The current Newsweek runs and Op-Ed making the case.  It’s written by a libertarian, but it gets much of the argument right...”

Most people who throw around the term “fascism” have no clue what it really means, they just know it’s bad and conjures up images of Hitler and Mussolini.  Most of the remainder – whether on the left or right – know the meaning but simply use it to smear an opponent in an effort to shut him up.

If you know the true definition of fascist, you have to wonder why lefties claim Mr. Trump as one of their own.

I wonder if KD read the article (“Is Donald Trump a Fascist?”) before he linked to it.  You see, most of the points the author made to label Mr. Trump a fascist painted a picture of today’s US left.  Below are some examples.

“a complete disregard for economic reality”

[RWC] No amount of taxation and spending is ever enough for leftists.  Medicare and Socialist Security are Ponzi schemes.  Does anyone recall what was at the center of the 2008 financial meltdown?  Fanni Mae.  Let’s not forget the minimum wage.

“a form of statism that swept Europe in the 1930s.  It grew up in the firmament of failed economies, cultural upheaval and social instability, and it lives by stoking the fires of bourgeois resentment.”

[RWC] Remember the attacks on the so-called “One Percenters?”

“absorbing unto his own political ambitions every conceivable resentment (race, class, sex, religion, economic) and promising a new order of things under his mighty hand.”

[RWC] Today’s U.S. left divides people into “victim” groups based on “race, class, sex, religion, economic,” and on and on, then claims it has the “silver bullet” to fix everything.

“Of course, race baiting is essential to the ideology, and there was plenty of that.  When a Hispanic man asked a question, Trump interrupted him and asked if he had been sent by the Mexican government.  He took it a step further, dividing blacks from Hispanics by inviting a black man to the microphone to tell how his own son was killed by an illegal immigrant.”

[RWC] What is “black lives matter?”  The left’s go-to tactic for anything it doesn’t like is to claim racism is behind it

In Peace, Friendship, Community, Cooperation, and Solidarity. <g> 

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