Carl Davidson – 1/12/16


This page was last updated on February 1, 2016.

INSTANT ANALYSIS: My Two Cents; Carl Davidson; Facebook; January 12, 2016.

You can learn more about BCR’s leftster management here.  “Leftster” is the combination of leftist and gangster, inspired by the left-originated “bankster.”

For your education and entertainment.  I have to give KD credit for watching President Barack Obama’s 2016 state-of-the-union speech.  I can’t stand most speeches by politicians regardless of ideology or political party so I tend to rely on transcripts.  Be sure to fact-check the speech, KD’s “instant analysis,” and my comments.

Carl Davidson (KD): “INSTANT ANALYSIS: My Two Cents.  President Barack Obama’s 8th and final State of the Union message accomplished two tasks.  First, he revisited and reaffirmed the original political vision that got him elected and re-elected.  Second, he painted in broad strokes the outline of a political platform that would attempt to block the rise of Donald Trump, Ted Cruz or anyone expressing that form of virulent rightwing populism and warmongering.

“On the first task, Obama updated the scope and content of his original political niche, a variant of neoKeynesian economics with a green, high tech twist, while, internationally, representing a globalist multipolarism within the bounds of Empire.  Obama’s legacy, of course, is that he was unable to accomplish much of what he believed in or wanted.  He was blocked by two factors.”

[RWC] Wow, what a bunch of gobbledygook!  I apologize for my anti-intellectualism. <g>

“One was his own flawed assumption that his opposition was rational and open to compromise, a view that he has yet to completely discard.  The other was the hijacking of the House of Representatives by the so-called ‘Freedom Caucus,’ a cabal of far right Republicans dead set on opposing anything, positive or negative, simply because Obama favored it, and combined this with a racist view of Obama as an alien Marxist-Muslim usurper.”

[RWC] By “rational and open to compromise,” KD means adopting and promoting his positions in their entirety.

As a reminder, Democrats were the majority party in both the House and Senate during the first two years of the Obama administration and Republicans were powerless to do anything.  For example, Democrats enacted Obamacare without a single Republican vote.  Since the Freedom Caucus (FC) was not founded until January 2015, six years into Mr. Obama’s presidency, it’s difficult to blame the FC for what KD would consider Obama failures.

I’m sure it was a simple oversight, but KD didn’t mention the Congressional CommunistProgressive Caucus (CPC).  The CPC was founded in 1991 and currently has about 68 members, about 30 more than the evil, all-powerful Freedom Caucus.  I’m sure the CPC supported President George W. Bush the way KD expects the FC to support Mr. Obama. <g>

As for “opposing anything, positive or negative, simply because Obama favored it,” no kidding.  Mr. Obama is a leftist and promotes leftist policies.  Why on Earth would righties support policies rooted in leftist ideology?  Though there will always be a few exceptions to the rule, our country suffers when righties go along with lefties.  FYI, KD once opined “Obama’s never been a lefty.”  I think this says more about KD than Mr. Obama.

“a racist view of Obama as an alien Marxist-Muslim usurper?”  From which planet? <g>  I really wish KD would quit projecting his bigotry on the rest of us.  KD apparently wants his followers to believe Republicans would have supported Mr. Obama’s agenda had he been white.  I’ve come to wonder if KD is overcompensating for something racist he did in his youth.  In any case, let’s look at some real racist comments by KD’s political contemporaries instead of the imagined.

“Obama took some credit for rescuing and economy on the brink of collapse and bringing it back to the point that at least the top half of the country could feel some relief, even if the lower half still suffered from flat wages, attacks on their remaining unions, and debt bondage and job insecurity for young workers, especially those with college loans to pay off.  He voiced a vision for all the changes that would yet have to made to deal with these things—community college free for two years, investment in new technologies and manufacturing incubator hubs, benefit packages transportable from one job to another, equal pay for equal work--even if he had to speak over the heads of a Congress unlikely to do anything substantial about them.”

[RWC] While Mr. Obama may have taken “some credit for rescuing and [sic] economy on the brink of collapse,” neither he nor KD identified the policies responsible for the alleged rescue.  According to Sen. Bernie Sanders (Socialist-VT) last summer, the real unemployment rate was 10.5%.  I haven’t seen a more recent figure from Mr. Sanders.  Remember, leftist policies were responsible for the mess.  I also saw no mention of our zero-percent interest rate and the continued money printing.  Though I’m sure lefties will consider it good for the economy, a few days after the speech Walmart announced it will close 269 stores worldwide (154 in the U.S.).

You’ll note Mr. Obama’s “vision” – as per KD – involves evermore interference by government.  The “equal pay for equal work” stuff is bogus.

“His stronger points were on international affairs.  He explained that a realistic approach could not be isolationism nor simply invading countries, taking them over via ‘regime change’ and ‘nation-building.’  The first was impossible and the second only produced ‘quagmires’ like Vietnam and Iraq.  He ridiculed the notion that the U.S. military was weak, but reminded everyone that the country’s adversaries today were not rival superpower states, but failed states.  And while not naming Donald Trump, he ripped apart the notions that U.S. expressions of racism or anti-Muslim rants made us stronger in any way.  Just the opposite, they served as recruitment tools for theocratic fascists and terrorists.”

[RWC] If Mr. Obama thinks Russia and Red China aren’t among our adversaries, that’s how wars start.

If you’ve been paying attention, you’ll find lefties claim just about anything we do “serve[s] as recruitment tools for theocratic fascists and terrorists.”  Remember, fascism is one of the leftism variants.  I’ve noticed lefties don’t chide “theocratic fascists and terrorists” for similar behavior.

Russia Today reports ISIS executes homosexuals and, in a minority of Muslim-majority countries, homosexuals face the death penalty (Iran, Mauritania, Saudi Arabia, etc.).  Despite that, both Hillary Clinton and Mr. Sanders are vocal supporters of same-sex “marriage” and a Clinton campaign video shows two men holding hands and kissing each other, apparently just after a joining ceremony of some kind.  Using lefty “logic,” Mrs. Clinton and Mr. Sanders should change – or at least hide – their recruiting-tool positions, make amends, and get their heads right.

Perhaps Mrs. Clinton and Mr. Sanders should follow Italy’s lead and go the extra mile.  According to the BBC, during a recent visit, “Mr. Rouhani and Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi spoke at Rome’s Capitoline Museum after Italian firms signed business deals with Iran.  But several nudes there were hidden to avoid offending the Iranian president.  Italy also chose not to serve wine at official meals.”  According to CBS News, “It is standard practice, both in Europe and the U.S., for hosting governments to keep alcohol off the menu when Muslim dignitaries visit, as Islam forbids its consumption.”  Perhaps Mrs. Clinton and all the female staff members of the Democrat candidates should wear hijabs and hand them out at campaign events.

Hmm, KD didn’t mention Mr. Obama’s mucking around in Libya and Syria to effect regime change.

“Obama spoke directly to the people of the country to overcome these types of division, to set aside partisan or racial hostilities.  His approach was the same as when he first started with a memorable speech at a Democratic Convention, asserting we were not a Red State or a Blue State America, but the United States of America.”

[RWC] I thank KD for the comedic relief.  Seriously, how can you not laugh when lefties complain about “division.”  Who gives us hyphenated-Americans, classes, and so on?  When lefties look at a crowd, they see groups to exploit for political gain.  When righties look at a crowd, we see Americans, not groups.

Mr. Obama is trying to overcome division?  Despite the fact Mr. Obama conceded he didn’t know the facts, he told us Cambridge, MA, police “acted stupidly” when they arrested a friend of his.  When it appeared doctors weren’t drinking the Obamacare Kool-Aid, Mr. Obama smeared them by implying they performed unnecessary amputations and tonsillectomies to pocket falsely-claimed reimbursements.  During his 2010 SOTU, Mr. Obama attacked and lied about the Supreme Court’s Citizens United v. FEC ruling.  The examples go on and on.

“But this appeal to a national identity and its creed to defeat the right serves more as a problem than a solution.  For the notion of ‘American’ itself has always, throughout our history, divided into two.  On one hand is the America of Empire, of Manifest Destiny and white supremacy.  One [sic] the other hand is the America of Popular Democracy, of mutual respect and class solidarity and popular unity amidst diversity.”

[RWC] In case you missed it, KD’s first hand is supposed to represent the U.S. as defined by the Constitution.  The other hand is gobbledygook for communism.  According to KD, “Communism is indeed a distant utopia by current standards.  I view it like the North Star, it gives us a sense of direction to stay the course.  But I’m a socialist and you’re [Harvey Blume] a left liberal.  Fine.  We can probably find common ground on most of the practical matters of the day.”

KD and his comrades are playing the long game; KD’s been at it for the better part of 55 years.  They endeavor to turn the U.S. into a communist country even if it doesn’t happen until long after they’re gone.

“To make a more substantial future for the working class in a more peaceful world, the first has to be put behind us while the latter is explored more deeply.  Obama didn’t go quite that far.”

[RWC] By “the first has to be put behind us,” KD means the U.S. Constitution as we know it must go.  KD will likely disagree, in public.  A few years ago, KD wrote, “I also rather like the US Constitution, especially after the Civil War Amendments purged it of slavery.  I encourage everyone, especially some on the right, to read it carefully and see if they’d put their name to it today.  I would.”  If you buy this, I have a bridge to sell you.  Communism is the antithesis of our Constitution as we know it.  Unless we get to the point where we look at the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence as nothing more than quaint, outdated pieces of parchment, communism and the Constitution are mutually exclusive.

As for KD’s “purged it of slavery” slur, consider the words of Frederick Douglass during an 1852 speech entitled “What to the Slave Is the Fourth of July?”, 13 years before the 13th Amendment banned slavery.  Throughout the speech Mr. Douglass rightly railed against the state of “the American slave-trade, sustained by American politics and America religion.”  Toward the end of that same speech, however, here’s what Mr. Douglass said about the Constitution and “its framers and adopters”: “Fellow-citizens! there is no matter in respect to which, the people of the North have allowed themselves to be so ruinously imposed upon, as that of the pro-slavery character of the Constitution.  In that instrument I hold there is neither warrant, license, nor sanction of the hateful thing; but, interpreted as it ought to be interpreted, the Constitution is a GLORIOUS LIBERTY DOCUMENT.  Read its preamble, consider its purposes.  Is slavery among them?  Is it at the gateway?  or is it in the temple?  It is neither.  While I do not intend to argue this question on the present occasion, let me ask, if it be not somewhat singular that if the Constitution were intended to be, by its framers and adopters, a slave-holding instrument, why neither slavery, slaveholding, nor slave can anywhere be found in it.  What would be thought of an instrument, drawn up, legally drawn up, for the purpose of entitling the city of Rochester to a track of land, in which no mention of land was made? … Now, take the Constitution according to its plain reading, and I defy the presentation of a single pro-slavery clause in it.  On the other hand it will be found to contain principles and purposes, entirely hostile to the existence of slavery.”  You can read more here.

In Peace, Friendship, Community, Cooperation, and Solidarity. <g> 

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