Carl Davidson – 3/10/16


This page was last updated on May 5, 2016.

ONE PICTURE, 10,000 WORDS …; Carl Davidson; Facebook; March 10, 2016.

You can learn more about BCR’s leftster management here.  “Leftster” is the combination of leftist and gangster, inspired by the left-originated “bankster.”

They know they can’t win if they don’t lie #10.  Links to previous episodes in this series are near the bottom of this piece.

As readers know, I’m not a Donald Trump fan.  I’m going through this because this will be how these folks attack the Republican candidate whoever he turns out to be.

Commenting on a photo showing four women at a Donald Trump rally wearing t-shirts that together read “Make America White Again,”  Carl Davidson (KD) of Beaver County Reds (BCR) wrote, “ONE PICTURE, 10,000 WORDS...It seems there are a few self-designed, self-organized protest/expressive efforts that do NOT get you the bum’s rush at Trump rallies.”

Surprise, the photo was a fraud!  Someone Photoshopped the original photo in which the four women wore t-shirts that together read “Make America Great Again.”  In addition to the t-shirts being Photoshopped, you’ll see the sign saying “stands with Trump” in the Photoshopped version originally said, “the silent majority stands with Trump.”

The guy (Eric Draitser) whose posting KD linked to claimed he “did not photoshop the image.”  Read Mr. Draitser’s (ED) defense of the fraudulent photo, however, and you may come to a different conclusion.  Even though ED had to suspect the photo was too good to be true, it appears he made no effort to verify the faux photo’s authenticity.  Worse, when confronted with the fact the photo was a fake, ED staunchly defended the fraud instead of apologizing.  ED said the fraud didn’t matter because the story it told was true.  Later on in this piece you’ll find ED’s original comments when he posted the fraudulent photo plus what he wrote when he allegedly came to “understand the image is photoshopped.”

KD published his “ONE PICTURE, 10,000 WORDS...” posting on 3/10/16 @ 11:31am.  The link is no longer functional, however.  At 1:54pm, KD acknowledged the fakery and wrote, “Whoops...Turned out I was snookered by a Photoshopper changing ‘great’ into ‘white’...My apologies.”  KD removed the posting within 30 minutes of acknowledging the fraud.  One result of KD deleting his post was people who saw the post, but didn’t see KD’s short-lived “apologies,” likely never learned the photo was a fake.

I have a problem with KD’s assertion he “was snookered by a Photoshopper.”  First, KD has a documented, ongoing problem with the truth.  The “They know they can’t win if they don’t lie” examples at the bottom of this page don’t even scratch the surface.  Second, KD’s been doing this stuff for more than 50 years.  As I noted for ED, KD’s decades of experience had to make him suspect the Draitser photo was too good to be true.  Despite that, it appears KD made no effort to verify the faux photo’s authenticity.  Then again, perhaps KD did and hoped his followers wouldn’t catch on.  Does anyone believe KD would have been “snookered by a Photoshopper” if the fake photo showed those women at a Sanders rally?  Not convinced yet?  At least as far back as 9:18am [Maria Maitri (MM) 3/10/16 @ 9:18am], the subject photo was known to be a fraud, over two hours before KD posted it.  MM commented “PHOTOSHOP.”  While MM agreed with the sentiment, it appears she didn’t like the fraud. reported the fraud sometime during the late morning of 3/10/16.

The comments (now gone) on KD’s page were also informative.  Amazingly, one of KD’s followers (Keith Staman) did some fact-checking and posted a link to the aforementioned Snopes report.  Mr. Staman then commented, “Much as he is TRYING to achieve this, the photo is fake.”  Comments by other comrades were similar.  As of 1:35pm on 3/10/16, no one had condemned the fraud.  The comments were along the lines of, “I can understand why the gal/guy did it.”  Finally, some of the commenters continued to treat the fraud photo as legit.  For example, Steven Feuerstein wrote, “I feel bad for these folks. I mean, c’mon, of all the things that Trump might actually be able to do, making America ‘white’ again is, well, just not possible.  At all.  But maybe he could help transition us poor white folks into the minority in America.”  Ralph Palladino wrote, “by the do they determine who is really all white these days anyway.....hmmm.”

Though KD removed his link to it, the Draitzer posting remains.  The comment thread is interesting and revealing.  Here are a couple of sub-threads.


Sub-thread #1

Note ED’s reaction to MM.  ED’s response was essentially, “it may be fake, but it’s true.”  Perhaps ED attended the Mary Mapes/Dan Rather school of journalism.

Maria Maitri 3/10/16 @ 9:18am: “PHOTOSHOP”

Eric Draitser 3/10/16 @ 9:20am: “Even if it is (and i admit that’s quite possible), this is actually what the subtext of Trump’s campaign slogan is.”

Maria Maitri 3/10/16 @ 9:35am: [no text, just the link below]

[Link to photo pre-photoshopping:]

Maria Maitri 3/10/16 @ 9:36am: “I mean I agree with you, but I think its an inflammatory photoshop”

Goran Gvozdenovic-Goshinny 3/10/16 @ 12:09pm: “Photoshop my ass .....”


Sub-thread #2

Note ED’s reaction to Jonas Henrikson.  Similar to his response to MM, ED replied, “And so what?”  As too many people, ED doesn’t care if something is true or not as long as it supports his thoughts.


Jonas Henrikson 3/10/16 @ 10:56am: “This picture is photoshopped. Here’s the original, found immediately using google image search.”

[Links to:]

Eric Draitser 3/10/16 @ 11:35am: “And so what? As I noted above, the photoshopping of the image only notes what is the subtext of Trump’s ‘movement’. That is precisely what the movement is about.”

Jonas Henrikson 3/10/16 @ 11:53am: “You don’t think it’s counterproductive and out-right dishonest to use FAKE images to push your argument? What purpose could fake images possibly serve other than to de-legitimize the points you’re making, however valid they might be? Using fakery and manipulation to get a point across is never the right way to go. Or do you think that e.g. ‘matress girl’ and the Duke lacrosse scandal did any favors for actual victims of real rape?”

Eric Draitser 3/10/16 @ 11:55am: “I did not photoshop the image. It was noted to me by a commenter, so I added an edit.”


ED’s comments when he posted the fake photo wrote when he allegedly came to “understand the image is photoshopped.”

Eric Draitser 3/10/16 @ 8:04am: “This is precisely what I’ve been warning about regarding Trump. It’s not the candidate himself who is really frightening, it’s the forces he’s mobilizing and organizing. And it’s not simply neo-Nazis and Klan members, but ‘ordinary folks’ whose white supremacy and racism will no longer be concealed, but will be given full expression in the political and social-cultural landscape. 

“And what happens when a [gulp] President Trump leaves office? How organized and emboldened will these movements have become? And what about when the next politician comes who isn’t just posturing for votes, but who genuinely believes in the uniquely American form of fascism? Don’t kid yourselves into thinking there aren’t many such people watching Trump and his movement and taking notes.

“Edit: I understand the image is photoshopped. Those who think this somehow changes the comments or my feelings about it are woefully mistaken. If you don’t understand that the subtext of Trump’s slogan and movement is about ‘Making America White Again’ then you’ve completely missed the nature of this phenomenon. And those who dismiss the danger of a mobilization of these sort of forces, or worse still, endorse them, are doing major damage, whether they know it or not. And, for the record, not only do I NOT endorse a ‘united front behind Hillary,’ I see Hillary as a very dangerous threat for albeit slightly different reasons. And finally, those who think ‘Trump is not interested in wars abroad’ are making the egregious mistake of thinking that anything Trump says is genuine. Once in office, the man will fight wars for profit, ‘waterboard and much worse,’ and so much more. Don’t be fools.”

Links to the “They know they can’t win if they don’t lie” series.  They are all links to Facebook postings.

They know they can’t win if they don’t lie #9.

They know they can’t win if they don’t lie #8.

They know they can’t win if they don’t lie #7a (7/19/15), #7b (5/18/15), #7c (12/27/13), #7d (11/13), and #7e (11/3/08).

They know they can’t win if they don’t lie #6.

They know they can’t win if they don’t lie #5.

They know they can’t win if they don’t lie #4.

They know they can’t win if they don’t lie #2 & #3.

They know they can’t win if they don’t lie #1.

In Peace, Friendship, Community, Cooperation, and Solidarity. <g> 

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