Carl Davidson – 6/24/2019


This page was last updated on July 8, 2019.

This Is a Fascinating Piece of Drivel …; Carl Davidson (KD); Facebook; June 24, 2019.

KD describes himself on Facebook as a “Truthseeker, Changemaker, Student of The Way, Pilgrim on the Road.”

Please read “They know they can’t win if they don’t lie.”

You can learn more about BCR’s leftster management here.  “Leftster” is the combination of leftist and gangster, inspired by the left-originated “bankster.”

Below is a review of the subject Facebook post.

Carl Davidson 6/24/19 @ 10:11am:THIS IS A FASCINATING PIECE OF DRIVEL.  Schlicter is right tactically, but everything else is delusional, ahistorical and just plain wrong.

“Start with his claim that Iran is our ‘enemy.’  Sez who?  Iran had a democratically elected secular government in 1953, but the US CIA overthrew it and installed the harsh tyranny of the Shah for more than 20 years.  When people rose up to overthrow him, we fought with the Shah to the bitter end.  We even weakened the secular left, opening the space for the Ayatollahs.  We provoked an Iraq-Iran war, sided with Saddam, an gave him poison gas to use against the Shia Iranians.  They lost 1 million young soldiers before it ended.”

[RWC] “Sez who” “Iran is our ‘enemy?’”  Taking 52 Americans hostage and holding them for 444 days could have something to do with it.

Though Saddam Hussein used poison gas on the Iranians and some of his own citizens, I found nothing from credible sources indicating he got them from the U.S.

“Everyone in Iran knows this.  They have a case to see us as an enemy, but we don’t against them.  As for his claim of a ‘moral right’ to slaughter the Iranian leadership, what theocratic rightwing ‘Christian’ does he want to cite as a source?  None.  He just asserts it and expects you to be dittoheads like Rush’s.  I’ll stop here or the rant gets too long, but don’t fall for this crap.”

[RWC] “They have a case to see us as an enemy, but we don’t against them?”  Again, taking 52 American hostages and holding them for 444 days could have something to do with it.

“He just asserts it and expects you to be dittoheads like Rush’s?”  Has KD really not noticed he’s just done what he accused Rush Limbaugh and the subject author of doing?  As of the date (6/26/2019) I finished this review, KD has not cited his sources and none of his bobbleheads fact-checked his work.  If you’re not going to cite your sources, fine; just don’t be a hypocrite and bash someone else for doing the same.  As KD wrote, “don’t fall for this crap.”


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