Carl Davidson – 7/10/2019


This page was last updated on August 3, 2019.

This Friday. 7pm. [7/12/2019] Beaver County Courthouse. Be There.; Carl Davidson (KD); Facebook; July 10, 2019.

KD describes himself on Facebook as a “Truthseeker, Changemaker, Student of The Way, Pilgrim on the Road.”

Please read “They know they can’t win if they don’t lie.”

You can learn more about BCR’s leftster management here.  “Leftster” is the combination of leftist and gangster, inspired by the left-originated “bankster.”

Below is a review of the subject Facebook post.

KD wrote, “THIS FRIDAY. 7PM. [7/12/2019] BEAVER COUNTY COURTHOUSE. BE THERE.  We’ve just learned that ICE has been paying our Beaver County Jail about $7000 a month to hold detainees.  Time to put a stop to any violations of due process and equal protection.  Everyone has rights, no matter how they got here.”

[RWC] If you believe KD and his crew care about illegal aliens and “any violations of due process and equal protection …,” WAKE UP!  In their own words, KD and Robert Reich (RR) told us they need to exploit immigrants – legal or not – “to keep social security functioning.

That’s not what KD thought back in 2016.  In 2016, KD said, “There [was] only one way to improve Social Security,” and it wasn’t via immigration.  Back to the present, KD wrote, “SO IT BEGINS.  There only one way to improve Social Security: Take the cap off FICA (Now at $116K, a kind of affirmative action for those with higher incomes) and if that is done, set the maximum payout at, say, $50K.  Anything else will ‘make America great’ at the expense of the elderly and infirm.”

KD (“Ya gotta love Robert Reich”) and RR are on the same page; they both think immigrants are needed to keep SS and Medicare afloat.  RR says, “The basic reason SS and Medicare are running out of money” is because we geezers “continue to age and live longer.”

RR’s “easy fix” is to exploit immigrants and their current and future children by taking 15.3% of their paychecks (12.4% for the SS tax and 2.9% for the Medicare tax) to pay for his SS benefits and medical care.  That’s incredibly selfish.  RR doesn’t say who will pay years from now when today’s “young immigrants” “continue to age and live longer.”  Finally, neither KD nor RR told us how many “young immigrants” they need to exploit.

According to the Beaver County Times (BCT), one of the groups supporting the demonstration is Beaver County Voice for Change (BCVC)BCVC appears to be just another local lefty group run as part of an “interlocking directorate.”  BCVC appears to be female oriented.  For example, here’s an excerpt from the BCVC website:

“We are women who marched at the Women’s March in Washington D.C., Pittsburgh, and Beaver, PA.  We are women who never thought that they would become politically involved.  We are women who didn’t want to share our political views.  We are women who have had enough.”

It won’t be long before every “community” has at least one grievance group to stir things up.  The BCVC asserts, “We live in a community where those who support the Republican ideas far outweigh those who lean left.”  That’s not what the BC voter registration data says, however.  As of the 2019 Municipal Primary, registered Democrats outnumbered registered Republicans 56.7% to 43.1%, respectively.  The spread was even larger for those who actually voted, with voting Democrats outnumbering Republicans 60.4% to 39.6%, respectively.  You may notice the BCVC website didn’t tell us what those evil “Republican ideas” are.

According to its website, “We [BCVC] supports our local democrat candidates and officials Common Sense Gun Laws, Healthcare for All, Voters’ Rights & Fair Districts, Tax Policy that Favors the Majority, Quality Public Education, Social Justice, Racial Justice, Gender Equity, Reproductive Rights, LGBTQ Rights, Climate Change Solutions, Respect for our Democratic Institutions, and Integrity in the Oval Office.”  Unfortunately, the website provides no details.

The BCT says “Tina Shannon, president of Beaver County Blue” will be one of the speakers.  Beaver County Blue (BCB) is the nickname for “The Pennsylvania 17th Congressional Chapter of Progressive Democrats of America.”   I generally refer to BCB as “Beaver County Reds (BCR),” however.  To the best of my knowledge, the remainder of BCR’s management team is Bob Schmetzer (VP), Randy Shannon (treasurer), Peter Deutsch (secretary), and KD.

Another of the groups mentioned is “Beaver County United (BCU).”  KD’s in one of the photos, meaning BCU is likely a member of the interlocking directorate mentioned previously.

The third named sponsor is “PA0035 Southwest PA NOW.”  According to the website, “NOW chapters focus on six priority issues including reproductive rights, ending sex discrimination/constitutional equality, promoting diversity and ending racism, economic justice, stopping violence against women, and LGBTQIA rights.” 

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