Marsha Keefer – 9/5/10


This page was last updated on September 7, 2010.

Never too young to sail solo; Marsha Keefer - Public Affairs Editor; Beaver County Times; September 5, 2010.

I don’t usually read Ms. Keefer’s column, but today’s column title caught my eye.  Take a look at the Times masthead and you’ll find Ms. Keefer is a member of the editorial board.  You will read why this is important shortly.

Ms. Keefer told us of the “one magical day, Mom deemed I was old enough to venture into the world by myself” by allowing her to go to the local playground not “accompanied by a parent or other trusted elder.”  According to Ms. Keefer, “Standing on each curb, ‘stop, look and listen’ went through my head before I crossed each street.  Gleefully, I scampered on the playground, giddy with excitement trying to decide what to climb on first.”

Ms. Keefer then tells us about the “5 years older” Cathy Campbell, someone who “meant well.”  “‘What are you doing here by yourself?’ she demanded to know.  ‘I’m allowed,’ I said defiantly, in a big-girl voice.  Despite my howls of protest, Cathy took me by the hand and dragged me home.”  In short, five-year-old Marsha did everything right, but someone with no authority over her who “meant well” denied – at least temporarily – her freedom to play “on the playground, giddy with excitement trying to decide what to climb on first.”

Ms. Keefer then appears to approve of a 14-year-old’s parents allowing her the opportunity “to become the youngest person to sail solo around the world.”

Whether or not you agree with Ms. Keefer, her positions in this column appear diametrically opposed to the position of Times editorials for which she is at least partially responsible as a member of the editorial board.

Let’s change the persons playing the characters in Ms. Keefer’s story.  In the role of the younger Ms. Keefer are you and I, except we’re adults and don’t need our parents to give us permission.  In the role of “Cathy Campbell” we have government, lefties in general, and the Times editorial board, including Ms. Keefer herself.

Now, let’s change the story so instead of going to the playground, we want to send our kids to the schools of our choice.  Instead, Ms. Keefer et al tell us, “What are you doing?  We’re going to force you to pay school taxes and force you to send your kids to our schools unless you can afford to pay tuition twice, once to the school you choose and once in the form of school taxes.”

Let’s change the story again so now instead of going to the playground, we want to plan and save for our retirement.  Instead, Ms. Keefer et al tell us, “What are you doing?  We’re going to confiscate 15.3% of your wages and force you into Medicare and Socialist Security.”

Let’s change the story again so now instead of going to the playground, we want to provide for our healthcare.  Instead, Ms. Keefer et al tell us, “What are you doing?  We’re going to force Obamacare on you and force you to buy healthcare insurance and we must approve the coverage.  If you don’t, we will levy a fine and have the IRS collect it.”

Let’s change the story again so now instead of going to the playground, we like salt on our food.  Instead, Ms. Keefer et al tell us, “What are you doing?  Salt is bad for you so we’re going to force food preparers to cut salt content.”

Let’s change the story again so now instead of going to the playground, we want to own a bar, restaurant, et cetera and allow our customers to smoke.  Instead, Ms. Keefer et al tell us, “What are you doing?  Because you and your customers don’t know any better, we’re going to make smoking on private property illegal.”

You get the idea.

In summary, the younger Ms. Keefer grew into the adult version of the younger Cathy Campbell.

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