Gino Piroli – 2/7/05

This page was last updated on February 7, 2005.

Radio voice now big with the bowlers; Gino Piroli; Beaver County Times; February 7, 2005.

Despite the opinion column’s title, Mr. Piroli couldn’t help but mention alleged personal attacks in letters he allegedly received.

Below is a critique of the relevant portion of the subject column.

“I received some letters in response to the article about the AARP and VFW being a little late in their critical responses to programs sponsored by the current presidential administration.”

[RWC] I’m probably being picky, but I don’t refer to what Mr. Piroli writes as “articles,” at least not the ones containing opinion.  To me the term “article” implies reporting of news, but that could just be me.  In my mind, Mr. Piroli writes columns, not articles.

“The tone of those who disagree with me hasn’t changed: perhaps more strident and still with no reference to the subject of the article, just some personal attacks.  In the spirit of their heartwarming compassionate conservatism, I thought I’d share some self-deprecating humor about the group they have little sympathy for, senior citizens.”

[RWC] As noted in my critique of the column Mr. Piroli references, he appears to be able to dish out personal attacks but has a need to tell everyone when he allegedly receives personal attacks.  For what it’s worth, today’s liberal tends to count a factual dissection of his positions as a “personal attack.”  I don’t know if Mr. Piroli falls into this camp or not.

Note Mr. Piroli’s conclusion in his final sentence.  If you disagree with Mr. Piroli, you have little sympathy for senior citizens.  Demonizing the opposition is a tactic used by folks who have no hope winning an informed debate.

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