J. D. Prose – 5/6/09

This page was last updated on May 8, 2009.

Specter’s making ch-ch-ch-ch-changes; J. D. Prose; Beaver County Times; May 6, 2009.

As you read this opinion column, keep in mind Mr. Prose wears at least one other hat for the Times.  Mr. Prose is also a reporter covering political stories.  Ask yourself this.  When a pundit gives his political opinions in one part of the paper, can he be trusted to report politics objectively elsewhere in the paper?  After all, would a person whose opinion is 1+1 equals 3 report 1+1 really equals 2?

Rather than subject you to the whole column, I’ll focus on Mr. Prose’s regurgitated claims of racism in the 2008 election of Barack Obama.

As you may recall, Mr. Prose first made the racism claim in “Political Prose: Democrats’ faces, like county, end up red” (11/10/08).  This time Mr. Prose quoted an anonymous Democrat as support.  Is Mr. Prose kidding?  Mr. Prose quoted other anonymous persons about other topics in the column.  I recognize my past career fields of economic analysis and engineering are a lot more factually rigorous than penning an opinion column, but is quoting anonymous (made-up?) people what passes for journalism these days?

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