BCT Editorial – 2/18/05

This page was last updated on February 26, 2005.

Jogging around; Editorial; Beaver County Times; February 18, 2005.

Below is a detailed critique of the subject editorial.

“GOOD WILL: The following Bush budget insight comes courtesy of conservative columnist George Will.  Keep it in mind as President Bush talks about how tough he is when it comes to cutting federal spending.  Will wrote: ‘Today’s president, the first since John Quincy Adams to serve a full term without vetoing anything, last week announced the limit of his tolerance: He vowed to veto a spending decrease.  That is the unmistakable meaning of his statement that he would brook no changes in his prescription drug entitlement that by itself has an unfunded liability twice as large as the entire Social Security deficit.’  Reread that last sentence.  Bush’s hypocrisy on this issue is beyond belief.”

[RWC] Geez, talk about the pot calling the kettle black.

I don’t support the Medicare prescription drug plan and never did.  My purpose here is to note the incredible gall of the Times.  For at least the last couple of years we’ve read a stream of editorials saying government needed to do something about the cost of healthcare.  Though the editorials are careful not to mention nationalized healthcare specifically (The Times probably remembers our reaction to HillaryCare.), that is the clear meaning when the editorials refer to “universal healthcare.”  Given the constant drumbeat for “universal healthcare,” it’s incredible hypocrisy to bash President Bush for pushing a program that’s a key piece of “universal healthcare.”  I guess the editorial board hopes we forgot all those editorials.

Remember, the Times editorial board recommended John Kerry to us for president so the editorial board has a vested interest in making President Bush look bad.

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