BCT Editorial – 11/8/05

This page was last updated on November 8, 2005.

Payback time; Editorial; Beaver County Times; November 8, 2005.

Though I didn’t see this coming, I guess I shouldn’t be surprised.

Below is a detailed critique of the subject editorial.

“In a weird way, you have to admire House Minority Leader H. William DeWeese and House Minority Whip Mike Veon.”

[RWC] I agree; you have to be weird.

“While every one else in the state House and Senate had a political panic attack and voted last week to repeal (sort of) the hugely unpopular pay raise lawmakers gave themselves and members of the executive and judicial branches of state government, Veon, D-14, West Mayfield, and DeWeese, D-Greene County, were the only two to vote against it.

“Veon and DeWeese said they were standing on principle because they believed the pay raise was justified.  They also were holding to an agreement that had been made among the leaders of both parties in both chambers to stand together on the pay raise.  When the other leaders, under internal and external pressure, broke ranks and deserted the pay-raise cause, Veon and DeWeese stood alone on their political Thermopylae.

“What Veon and DeWeese claim as principled, others see as stubbornness and arrogance.  How else can one explain their making their bids for re-election next year that much harder?  (If, that is, they choose to run again.)”

[RWC] I’d like to see the dictionary Messrs. DeWeese and Veon use if they believe their action is principled.  While Mr. DeWeese likes to use big and/or seldom-used words, perhaps he needs a refresher course on more common words.

If they choose to run again?  Give me a break!  These guys are professional politicians.  The only way they wouldn’t run again would be if they decided to retire.

Remember, Mr. Veon admitted he advised Democrats “susceptible to election challenges” to vote against the raise.  Obviously, Mr. Veon believes he holds a “safe” seat.

“We opposed the pay raise.  However, it’s hard not to have grudging respect for the ‘no’ votes that Veon and DeWeese cast.  It will be interesting to see how their constituencies react when it comes to payback time in next year’s elections.”

[RWC] “Grudging respect” for ignoring voters?  Anyone care to guess how the author would have written this editorial if Messrs. DeWeese and Veon were Republicans or Libertarians?

The editorial would have been better to use “voters” instead of “constituencies.”  Constituents are supporters and I have little doubt that most people who voted for these payjackers previously will vote for them again no matter what.  Anyone want to guess whom the Times will recommend next year?

1. Lawmakers: Pay increase was justified; Bob Bauder; Beaver County Times; July 8, 2005.

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