BCT Editorial – 1/30/06

This page was last updated on January 30, 2006.

Salutes & Boots; Editorial; Beaver County Times; January 30, 2006.

Below is a detailed critique of the subject editorial.

“Boot: To Google officials for knuckling under to the demands of the despots who run China.  Kowtowing to Chinese Communists, the company launched a search engine last week that censors material about human rights, Tibet, Taiwan and other topics sensitive to Beijing, The Associated Press reported.  What makes this move even more odious is the company’s praiseworthy fight against efforts by the Bush administration to access information from its data base in the United States.  The company’s motto is ‘Don’t Be Evil.’  Shouldn’t that apply internationally as well as domestically?”

[RWC] This requires an “I told you so” when in a critique from last week I wrote, “Earth to editorial author.  Google’s primary problem is the trade secret issue, not idealism.  The user ‘betrayal’ issue is simply cover that sounds good.”

Note how the editorial equated a request for anonymous data to determine the extent of child porn exchange on the web with Red China – with Google’s assistance – censoring the Internet.  Amazing.

“Boot: To Mayor Ray Nagin for his ‘chocolate’ city remarks about the rebuilding of New Orleans.  What in the world was he thinking when he opened his mouth?”

[RWC] Face it, people say stupid things.  I can only imagine the reaction had “School Bus” Nagin been a Republican.

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