BCT Editorial – 2/19/06

This page was last updated on February 25, 2006.

A non-issue; Editorial; Beaver County Times; February 19, 2006.

It never ceases to amaze me that liberals constantly battle commonsense attempts to ensure only legally registered people can vote.  To get an idea of how far left the Times has been drifting, even the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette (self-described as “generally liberal on social issues”) and former President Jimmy Carter support better identification at the polls.  When you’re to the left of these folks, you’re to the left.

Below is a detailed critique of the subject editorial.

“Pennsylvania Republicans in the Legislature apparently don’t trust election-day officials.”

[RWC] This is a clumsy attempt to distract voters from the real issue, voter fraud.  HB 1318 has nothing to do with trusting poll workers.  I have to admit this appears to be a novel approach.  Usually liberals claim requiring valid ID is a Republican attempt to “disenfranchise” the elderly, minorities, the poor, et cetera.  Perhaps the change in tactic is because even former President Jimmy Carter supports better ID at the polls.

“How else to explain a measure passed by the state House and Senate, largely along party lines, that would require voters to show identification at the polls - a valid driver’s license; a U.S. passport; a student, employee or government ID; a county voter registration card; a firearm permit; a current utility bill; or a current bank statement, paycheck or government check - each and every time they vote.”

[RWC] The measure referred to is Pennsylvania HB 1318 and covers a variety of voting issues.  It’s my opinion even some of the allowed IDs are still inadequate because they don’t include all three of current address, photo, and signature.

Note this only addresses identifying a person at the polls.  If you can believe it, Pennsylvania doesn’t even require identity proof when you register to vote.  You can register by mail – as I did – and can decline to provide any proof of your claimed identity.  The registration form requests a driver license number and/or the last four digits of your Socialist Security number, but both are optional!  You don’t even need proof of citizenship!

“Right now, only people voting in a polling place for the first time must show identification.  However, everyone who votes must sign in, and their signature is supposed to be compared with one that is on record.”

[RWC] Here’s the problem.  Poll workers really don’t have a decent way to do their job.  Unless poll workers are handwriting experts, it’s fairly easy to forge another person’s signature.  Also, there should be some way to confirm a voter actually lives in the precinct where he appears to vote.  A signature doesn’t do that.

“If there is rampant voter fraud, shouldn’t it be countered by having election-day officials do their jobs and by monitoring their performance?  This legislation isn’t needed; it’s a non-issue that Gov. Ed Rendell should veto.”

[RWC] Is the standard “rampant” voter fraud?  Is this the Times way of saying it supports “a little” voter fraud?

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