BCT Editorial – 3/8/06

This page was last updated on March 8, 2006.

Slow down; Editorial; Beaver County Times; March 8, 2006.

Below is a detailed critique of the subject editorial.

“Act in haste; repent in leisure.

“Word out of Harrisburg is that legislative leaders in both parties and Gov. Ed. Rendell are going to sit down and see if they can agree on a plan to reduce property taxes.

“Given the political importance of cutting school district property taxes and the array of options that have been put forward, anything can happen.

“The problem with this approach is that in their haste for short-term political gain they could be doing long-term harm.

“Instead of cobbling together a plan that best serves the election-year needs of gubernatorial and legislative candidates, the conferees should instead appoint a nonpartisan panel to look into ways to benefit the long-term needs of the commonwealth by modernizing its entire tax structure, one that is better suited for the needs of 21st century taxpayers, businesses and government.”

[RWC] Here’s what I wrote when a December editorial brought up the “independent panel” idea:  “If our elected officials can’t do their jobs, we need to replace them.  Appointing a bunch of unelected boobs is running away from responsibility.”

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