BCT Editorial – 9/7/06

This page was last updated on September 8, 2006.

Weight woes; Editorial; Beaver County Times; September 7, 2006.

Below is a detailed critique of the subject editorial.

“Can you imagine Americans being forced to attend fat farms to receive Social Security and Medicare benefits?

“We can’t either, but that’s what some health-care specialists are suggesting in the wake of another report that shows Americans are gaining weight at alarming rates.

“The report, compiled by the advocacy group Trust for America’s Health, said 31 states experienced increased obesity among residents last year.  Mississippi was first with 30 percent of state residents overweight.  Colorado remained the skinniest state with about 17 percent of its residents categorized as obese.

“Pennsylvania ranked 15th among 50 states in adult obesity with 24 percent of the population considered overweight.

“According to The Associated Press, obesity is directly linked to poverty.  The heaviest five states - Mississippi, Alabama, West Virginia, Louisiana and Kentucky - also have poverty rates above the national average.

“Health-care officials are recommending that governments take a more active role in legislating weight loss.  Among the recommendations are mandated screenings tied to federal apportionments.

“At this point, they’re only suggesting that the government reimburse less-fit recipients for participating in exercise programs, but that’s a slippery slope.  Mandatory fat farms could be next.

“This is a personal-choice issue.  Government can’t interfere in the kitchen.  People must take it upon themselves to eat healthier and get off the couch.

[RWC] Perhaps the editorial author can explain why eating habits are “a personal-choice issue,” but the decision about whether or not to allow smoking on your private property is not.  I’m going out on a limb here, but I wonder what the Times position is on mandatory seatbelt and motorcycle helmet use.

“One way local governments can help is by approving zoning and land-use laws to make it easier for residents to walk and bike.

“Mandatory sidewalks make a lot more sense than mandatory fat farms.”

[RWC] Did you ever notice liberal “solutions” tend to include the word “mandatory?”

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