BCT Editorial – 11/26/06

This page was last updated on November 26, 2006.

Judgment day; Editorial; Beaver County Times; November 26, 2006.

As you read this editorial, keep track of the words you don’t read.

Below is a detailed critique of the subject editorial.

“Macing is local history, and that’s where it belongs - in the history books

“Former Allegheny County Sheriff Pete DeFazio was following a western Pennsylvania political tradition when he coerced employees to contribute to his campaigns.

“The retired sheriff obviously failed to consider the consequences - he probably didn’t even realize that he and top staffers were doing anything wrong - when they made workers pony up at election time.”

[RWC] Let me get this straight.  A county sheriff in law enforcement for 36 years (eight as Sheriff) didn’t know what just about everyone on the street knows?  The Times must believe we’re either gullible or stupid.  When you try to provide cover for your fellow travelers, you need to pick your battles and not be completely transparent.  The only thing missing from this editorial is “Mr. DeFazio was a victim.”  Frankly, since President Bush appointed the U.S. attorney that prosecuted the case, I’m a little surprised the editorial didn’t try to blame Mr. DeFazio’s downfall on Republicans.

It is so completely absurd, I can only hope the “he probably didn’t even realize that he and top staffers were doing anything wrong” statement was a tongue-in-cheek comment.

“After all, this was the way they always did it around here: employees either backed their bosses and paid up, or they were harassed and threatened and sent off to work in some county Siberia.

“But judgment day has come for the party bosses of western Pennsylvania, who continue the practice known as macing.  The U.S. attorney in Pittsburgh has seen to that.

“By pleading guilty to macing last week, DeFazio became the latest casualty in a corruption probe that has blackened the image of Allegheny County and rocked the world of ward heelers from Braddock to Beaver Falls.

“Preceding DeFazio to the fabled Bridge of Sighs was former sheriff’s Capt. Frank Schiralli: two years in prison for lying to a grand jury; former Chief Deputy Sheriff Dennis Skosnik: five years for bribery, witness tampering, mail and wire fraud and money laundering; and former sheriff’s Lt. Commander Richard A. Stewart: one-year’s probation for macing.

“Now comes the head man, who will likely get the same punishment as Stewart, but still will be permitted to collect a 36-year pension.

“Macing was born and flourished in an era of machine politics that made Pittsburgh one of the most corrupt cities in America 100 years ago.  It’s a part of our history.

“But those days are gone.  It isn’t the 19th century any more.  And it’s high time the old timers - whether they wield power in Allegheny, Beaver, Lawrence, Westmoreland or whatever county - realize that and mend their ways.

“Otherwise, U.S. Attorney Mary Beth Buchanan could be visiting them next.”

[RWC] You probably know by now the missing words are “Democrat” and “Democrat Party.”

Never shy to associate Republicans with corruption, nowhere did the editorial mention Mr. DeFazio is a Democrat.

Nowhere did the editorial mention “the party bosses” meant Democrat Party bosses.

Nowhere did the editorial mention “machine politics” meant Democrat Party “machine politics.”

I’m sure it was an honest oversight – not.

In fairness, the Times isn’t alone.  A Pittsburgh Post-Gazette editorial of today had the same affliction.  In comparison, when State Rep. Jeff Habay was convicted of the same offense as Mr. DeFazio, the PG had no problem noting he’s a Republican.  As far as I can tell, the Times had no Habay editorials.

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