BCT Editorial – 7/3/07

This page was last updated on July 3, 2007.

Pathetic; Editorial; Beaver County Times; July 3, 2007.

Below is a detailed critique of the subject editorial.

“The attention that Michael Moore’s documentary ‘Sicko’ is drawing should be welcomed by all Americans.”

[RWC] That the Times takes someone with Mr. Moore’s history seriously says an awful lot about the Times.  All of his previous movies have been exposed for presenting only what Mr. Moore wants us to see.  What’s pathetic is calling any Moore propaganda piece a “documentary.”

“The film documents what millions of insured and uninsured Americans already know - our nation’s system of health care is broken beyond repair and our so-called leaders are more interested in serving the needs of special interests than they are in helping ordinary people.”

[RWC] If “our nation’s system of health care is broken beyond repair,” doesn’t that mean any action is futile?  In reality, it means we need to eliminate previous “repairs” like Medicaid, Medicare, etc. and tax breaks for employer-based healthcare insurance.  Please go here for my comprehensive healthcare comments.

“No matter what your view of Moore’s politics or of the conclusions he draws, his film has started a national debate on a topic that affects every American.

“That it came from a filmmaker speaks volumes about the pathetic state of leadership (or lack thereof) at the national level.”

[RWC] Yep, until Moore’s movie, no one was talking about healthcare.  Is the editorial author serious?  How many “woe are we” healthcare editorials have we read from the Times alone during the last few years?

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