BCT Editorial – 8/22/07

This page was last updated on August 27, 2007.

Critical mass; Editorial; Beaver County Times; August 22, 2007.

Below is a detailed critique of the subject editorial.

“For a place that is steeped in the past, the Pittsburgh region is a pretty up-to-date place when it comes to the Internet.

“A chart in USA Today last Wednesday noted that Pittsburgh is the third-‘bloggiest’ city in the United States.  The chart measured blog posts per 100,000 residents, and the Pittsburgh, with 53, trailed only Boston and Philadelphia, with 89 and 88, respectively.

“Last weekend, about 240 Internet media enthusiasts and professionals met in the city for an informal conference called PodCamp so they could swap tips on creating blogs, podcasts and online video.

“The Associated Press reported organizers had said that they were planning similar events in San Francisco, Berlin, Philadelphia, Toronto, Atlanta, New York and Boston.

“Gradually and quietly, our region is approaching the critical mass that gets people’s attention.

“There’s still a way to go for that to happen, but it might not be as far as some people believe.”

[RWC] This editorial is the equivalent of “Blog and they will come.”  Amazing!

We shouldn’t be surprised, though.  If you recall, the editorial “Serving youth” wanted us to believe “hiking and biking trails” would have young people flocking to Western Pennsylvania.

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