BCT Editorial – 9/5/07

This page was last updated on September 6, 2007.

Warm-up act; Editorial; Beaver County Times; September 5, 2007.

Below is a detailed critique of the subject editorial.

“It’s not just your imagination.  The weather is becoming more violent and unpredictable.

“The Associated Press reported a trailblazing study by NASA scientists predicts that as the world warms, the United States will experience more severe thunderstorms with deadly lightning, damaging hail and the potential for tornadoes.”

[RWC] You can find the NASA press release here.

“It’s only anecdotal, but our summer weather of late fits that prediction.  It seems we only get rain in one form - torrential - and storms of one kind - violent.”

[RWC] Note, “anecdotal” evidence is OK as long as it supports the story you want to tell. <g>

“Anti-global warmers might dismiss this report as just another in a long string of overreactions, but the studies on the impact of global warming on the environment are becoming too numerous to ignore.

[RWC] What is an “anti-global warmer?”  If there are “anti-global warmers,” I guess that means there must be “pro-global warmers.”  Who is pro-global warming?  I suppose there are pros and cons for both global cooling and warming, but I haven’t heard of anyone declaring support for either condition.

“The longer we ignore them, the harder it is going to be to address the problem.”

[RWC] The editorial isn’t clear.  Is it referring to global warming or manmade global warming?  I’m just kidding, of course.  My question was simply intended to illustrate the language used by some people regarding this issue.  If there was ever any doubt about the Times position, the editorial “Report leaves little doubt about global warming” eliminated it.

Please follow this link for my comments about manmade global warming.

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