BCT Editorial – 9/17/07

This page was last updated on September 22, 2007.

Hypocrites; Editorial; Beaver County Times; September 17, 2007.

Below is a detailed critique of the subject editorial.

“One of the more amusing spectacles in recent days has been the Republicans’ hysteria and hypocrisy over a dumb MoveOn.org ad.

“The ad ran the same day Gen. David Petraeus was scheduled to appear before Congress and referred to the commander of U.S. forces in Iraq as ‘General Betray Us.’

“The reference was juvenile and petty.”

[RWC] But apparently not wrong, at least in the eyes of the Times?

“But Republicans reacted as if MoveOn.org had done something insulting and unpatriotic.”

[RWC] So let me get this straight.  Asserting our lead military commander on the ground in a war is betraying us isn’t “insulting and unpatriotic?”

“They’ve been beating it to death on the 24/7 infotainment cable channels.  They were, are and will be incensed and indignant at this personal attack on Peteraeus [sic].

“What short memories they have.

“Go back to the run up to the invasion of Iraq.  Anyone who questioned or doubted President Bush’s push for war had their patriotism questioned and were subjected to personal attacks that paled in comparison to MoveOn.org’s ad.  That’s what happens when you can’t distinguish between dissent and disloyalty.”

[RWC] Hmm, I questioned but my patriotism wasn’t challenged.

Ask yourself why the editorial provided no examples.

“In fact, employment of the lethal language of loyalty is standard operating procedure for the right against it [sic] enemies, as the smear campaign against Democratic presidential nominee John Kerry showed in 2004.”

[RWC] Note the editorial didn’t list the unfounded allegations about Mr. Kerry.  Why not?

At the same time, the editorial author appeared to forget John Kerry himself likened President Bush’s National Guard service with fleeing to Canada to avoid the draft and not really serving in the military.

Besides, the last I checked, Gen. Petraeus wasn’t running for office.  He’s simply serving his country.

“But when the left uses the same tactics, it’s an outrage against all that America stands for.”

[RWC] At least the Times recognizes it’s on the left.

“Spare us the hypocrisy.”

[RWC] Excuse me until I stop laughing.

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