BCT Editorial – 5/7/08

This page was last updated on May 7, 2008.

Silly; Editorial; Beaver County Times; May 7, 2008.

This topic was also covered in “Trolling for votes,” though that editorial failed to note Mrs. Clinton’s support.

The editorial feigns concern that construction jobs would be lost by the tax holiday, yet fails to note Mrs. Clinton’s proposal would not result in less tax revenue.  You may recall that Mrs. Clinton’s “tax holiday” proposal is contingent upon the evil oil companies paying a so-called “windfall profit” tax equal to the tax revenue “lost” by the tax holiday.  Why would the editorial fail to note this?  It could be the Times is leaning toward Barack Obama.  It could also be the Times recognizes that noting this point would uncover Mrs. Clinton as pandering to two groups (regular voters and those who dislike oil companies), not just one.

Finally, the editorial fails to note a gas/diesel tax holiday doesn’t need to take money from road maintenance.  There’s nothing stopping Congress and the President from cutting income/wealth redistribution programs and funneling the money to our highways.

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