BCT Editorial – 5/26/08

This page was last updated on May 31, 2008.

Today; Editorial; Beaver County Times; May 26, 2008.

Memorial Day is the only U.S. holiday dedicated to the men and women who died while in military service for our country.

The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette published three editorials on this day, with the one honoring servicemen being both the lead editorial and the longest by far.

The Pittsburgh Tribune-Review published two editorials and both were dedicated to the men and women who sacrificed their lives for us.

Now let’s look at the Times.  The editorial asking us to honor the men and women who died for our freedom was both the last (third out of three) and the shortest (124 words vs. 214 and 224 words).  Editorials about flight delays and overweight children came in #1 and #2, respectively.  Perhaps I’m making more of this than there is.  After all, editorial priority and length aren’t necessarily accurate indicators of how much the Times editorial board really appreciates the sacrifices made by our military over the last 230+ years.  That said, I’ve expressed my doubts about the Times sincerity on this topic before.

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