BCT Editorial – 7/7/08

This page was last updated on July 7, 2008.

No sense of decency; Editorial; Beaver County Times; July 7, 2008.

The editorial subtitle is “McCain’s conduct as a POW has no place in presidential race.”

If you believe the intent of the editorial was to defend Mr. McCain against bogus attacks on his POW years, congratulations, you’ve been fooled.  There’s a reason the editorial twice mentioned a “propaganda video” yet somehow failed to find the space to describe the circumstances.  You can find a decent summary of Mr. McCain’s POW years at The Arizona Republic.

The reason for the editorial was this.  Since the BS described in the editorial was unlikely to surface in the mainstream media, the Times had to find a way to convey to a larger audience information it could not normally print.  The tactic displayed in this editorial is a tried and true means of getting scurrilous information distributed.  Heck, even the editorial subtitle implied wrongdoing by Mr. McCain as a POW.

Finally, the editorial quoted Joseph Welch about Joe McCarthy.  With respect to communist spies in the federal government, decoded Soviet Cold War-era cables (the NSA’s VENONA program) released during the 1990s show Senator McCarthy was right.

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