BCT Editorial – 8/3/08

This page was last updated on August 3, 2008.

Faulty ideology; Editorial; Beaver County Times; August 3, 2008.

Since I stopped believing Times editorial (or even news story) factual assertions a long time ago, I actually read the subject report (“An Investigation of Allegations of Politicized Hiring by Monica Goodling and Other Staff in the Office of the Attorney General”).  There’s no question the behavior documented in the report is unacceptable.

While the asserted facts appear to be accurate, nonetheless the remainder of the editorial is another example of the Times employing hyperbole and innuendo.  For example, “Special consideration given to candidates who despise abortion and gay people?”  Please.

The editorial says, “Gonzales said he was completely unaware of what his senior staff was doing.”  The editorial failed to note Mr. Gonzales implemented changes upon hearing of the allegations and the report doesn’t implicate Mr. Gonzales in the mess.  That said, whether he knew about it or not, Mr. Gonzales was the AG and ultimately must accept responsibility.

Finally we read, “What happened at the Justice Department is symptomatic of what has been sweeping American politics for years, but the Bush administration has become the biggest offender.”  I guess the Times forgot about the hundreds of FBI files (on White House employees from the Reagan and Bush #1 administrations) improperly requested and possessed by the Clinton White House, a.k.a. “Filegate.”

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