BCT Editorial – 8/26/08

This page was last updated on August 26, 2008.

Grasshopper nation; Editorial; Beaver County Times; August 26, 2008.

The editorial subtitle is “America has become a nation where those who save are scorned.”

We read “‘Two giant mortgage companies get into hot water over risky investments.  The government steps in to throw them a lifeline should they need it.’”  The editorial failed to note Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are government-sponsored enterprises (GSE) birthed by Congress.  There are about 12 GSEs in total.

You have to love the editorial calling the Aesop fable to mind.  The leftism that permeates just about every position taken by the Times encourages grasshopper behavior.  Can’t pay for food?  No problem, the government will take care of it.  Can’t support your family?  No problem, the government will take care of it.  You get the idea.  Naturally all of this must be paid for with tax dollars, dollars that could otherwise be saved by “ants.”  Remember, it’s a consistent Times position that we’re not overtaxed despite the fact the average family eventually turns over nearly 33% of its income to all levels of government (This is near the all time high of 34% in 2000.).  Given the Times record of favoring ever greater taxation, how are ants supposed to save?

As I’ve written before, the Times crying crocodile tears over government profligacy is a joke.  Review Times editorials and you find them constantly calling for more government spending (“investments”) on just about every program that comes down the pike.

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