BCT Editorial – 8/29/08

This page was last updated on August 29, 2008.

King’s dream; Editorial; Beaver County Times; August 29, 2008.

The editorial concludes with “As Obama launches his campaign in Beaver, we hear the whispers that some Americans refuse to consider him because of the color of his skin.  In 1963, King said he dreamed of a day when his children could live in a nation where they would not be judged by their color, but by the content of their character.  The question we must ask is: Has that day arrived?”

As I’ve noted previously, why isn’t this question asked about people who will vote for Mr. Obama “because of the color of his skin?”  During the Democrat primary, blacks voted for Mr. Obama in a lopsided manner (as high as 93% in Illinois), even in states won by Hillary Clinton.  Isn’t voting for someone because of his skin color just as bad as voting against someone for that reason?

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