BCT Editorial – 10/12/08

This page was last updated on October 12, 2008.

Close call; Editorial; Beaver County Times; October 12, 2008.

This is another in a series of editorials complaining about our bridge/road infrastructure, though this one omitted the usually obligatory “Third World” reference.

Don’t get me wrong; there’s no question true government responsibilities take a backseat to non-responsibilities like wage/wealth redistribution programs.  The Times “solution,” however, has always cited a need for increased taxes despite the fact our overall (local, state, and federal) tax rate (33%) is already near its historical high (34% in 2000), and 25% higher than its highest point (26.1% in 1943) during World War II.  Indeed, editorials frequently imply we’re selfish for not wanting our taxes increased.  To date I haven’t seen an editorial favor cuts in other programs to free tax dollars for roads and bridges.  Indeed, we’re regularly treated to editorials supporting increased/new spending on just about every government program that comes down the pike.

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