BCT Editorial – 11/25/08

This page was last updated on November 29, 2008.

Sitting ducks; Editorial; Beaver County Times; November 25, 2008.

The editorial subtitle is “Canned hunt at county park will not solve goose problem long term.”

Though I’m not an expert on the subject, I think it’s safe to say a goose hunt isn’t a long-term solution to the goose situation in Brady’s Run Park.  I don’t believe proponents of a goose hunt make that claim.

In any case, the reason for this critique is the following three paragraphs from the editorial.

“Who does Beaver County Commissioner Charlie Camp think he is?  Dick Cheney?

“As a result, they’ll be sitting ducks.  The hunters would be like the vice president, who loves to show up at private game reserves and kill hundreds of birds.  These birds have been raised in captivity, and when they are released, they fly right past him.  Not very sporting, eh?

“Ultimately, there is no one solution to the problem.  However, a number of steps taken in conjunction with each other would have an impact of the goose population at the park without resorting to a Cheney-like canned hunt.”

What on Earth does VP Cheney have to do with the goose situation in Brady’s Run Park?  This is simply another example of Bush Derangement Syndrome.  What will the Times do when President Bush is out of office, I mean after the cheering?  Oh, that’s right, the Times will blame the Bush administration for every misstep of the Obama administration and Democrats in Congress.

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