BCT Editorial – 1/7/09

This page was last updated on January 13, 2009.

Security risk; Editorial; Beaver County Times; January 7, 2009.

Below is a detailed critique of the subject editorial.

“Natural gas has given Russia influence over internal Western European affairs that nuclear weapons and a massive military never did during the Cold War.

“The dispute between Russian and Ukraine has many European nations, which are heavily dependent on natural gas from Russia, worried that their supply could drop or be cut off.  This gives Russia influence that the former Soviet Union never enjoyed.

“There’s a lesson in this for Americans.

“Aside from curbing global warming, energy conservation and the development of green, renewable sources of energy are as much a part of national security as nuclear weapons and a powerful military were at the height of the Cold War.”

[RWC] As for the editorial’s comment about “curbing global warming,” please read my paper entitled “Manmade Global Warming.”

Did you note what the editorial failed to mention?  That’s right, development of our own coal, natural gas, nuclear, and oil sources of energy.

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