BCT Editorial – 3/5/09

This page was last updated on March 7, 2009.

Close call; Editorial; Beaver County Times; March 5, 2009.

The editorial subtitle is “Secret anti-terror memos justified destroying basic constitutional rights.”

As you read the editorial worrying about “destroying basic constitutional rights,” keep in mind this is the same newspaper that published at least 47 editorials in support of violating private property rights.

Though the editorial makes it much more dramatic, here’s the summary.  The Bush administration legal counsel issued a bunch of positions President Bush rejected.

Given the Times position on everything President Obama has done/proposed so far, I’d be willing to bet the Times would find a reason to support exactly the same memos the editorial complained about even if Mr. Obama followed their advice.  The only objection would come if the Obama administration tried to muzzle the Times, but that would be unlikely given the Times and Mr. Obama appear to share the same beliefs.

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