BCT Editorial – 3/22/09

This page was last updated on March 28, 2009.

Specter-lation; Editorial; Beaver County Times; March 22, 2009.

“As the GOP has become more conservative, the moderate Specter has become more isolated?”  On what planet has “the GOP become more conservative?”  For example, did the Times notice the last two Republican candidates for President?

The editorial says, “Specter’s position within the GOP has led some to call for him to switch parties. If that were to happen, Democrats would have a surefire winner in the 2010 general election.  They’d also be in good shape if Specter lost in the primary.  Pennsylvania has been trending Democratic.  Right now, a conservative candidate would have a tough time reversing that trend.”

I disagree.  Though there are exceptions, Republican candidates in PA run as Democrats-lite while Democrats spend their time trying to convince us they are really conservatives.  U.S. Rep. Jason Altmire (D-14) is just one example.  When Republican candidates with solid conservative track records run for office, they tend to do well.  Note that I wrote “solid conservative track records.”  Too many Republicans who are otherwise conservative too often subjugate their conservative principles to the more left-leaning positions of the party.  For example, too many Republicans went along with the anti-conservative Medicare prescription drug program because of party “loyalty.”  When you vote for such programs, you can’t credibly claim to be a conservative.

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