BCT Editorial – 5/28/09

This page was last updated on May 30, 2009.

Winner’s circle; Editorial; Beaver County Times; May 28, 2009.

The editorial subtitle is “GOP must compromise if it wants to appeal to independent voters.”

This editorial is simply another from the Times telling the GOP what it needs to do to be successful.  As I’ve written before, exactly why should Republicans take seriously advice from a proven political enemy?

As in previous editorials on this topic, the Times throws around inflammatory terms but doesn’t describe them.  For example, “Middle ground” (5/6/09) told us of “Republican purists” but it failed to describe those “purists.”  In this editorial we read of “GOP zealots,” again without description.

In keeping with the Times adoration of what it calls “middle ground,” centrist,” “non-ideological,” et cetera voters, the editorial never tells us what these people stand for.  Even if you accepted the editorial’s position that the GOP should more thoroughly abandon conservative principles to garner votes, how do you decide what positions to support when the positions of the people you’re supposed to go after are like smoke in the wind?

Of course, what the editorial fails to note is in 2008 the GOP nominated a presidential candidate just like that it described.  That went well – not.

In truth, those who cannot make up their minds are looking for leadership from people with strong convictions.  If the GOP would get back to conservative principles and elected Republicans would govern using conservative principles, the GOP would pick up more than its share of so-called independents, and a number of Democrats as well.  Most important, the GOP would get back its base.

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