BCT Editorial – 12/3/09

This page was last updated on December 7, 2009.

Judge not; Editorial; Beaver County Times; December 3, 2009.

Another editorial defending a government-run, taxpayer-funded income/wealth redistribution program.  Gee, what a surprise.

Here are my two cents regarding “The same goes for people who look down on those using food stamps.  ‘Judge not, that ye not be judged’ if you are ever in their situation, as any of us could be these days.”  First, what makes the Times believe anyone of us could be in a situation requiring food stamps?  Second, aren’t Times editorials all about judging others?  Second, while I don’t believe most people who take a taxpayer handout should be looked down upon, we should not promote a position that taxpayer handouts are an entitlement or something earned.  When we believe we’re entitled to or earned something, there’s a diminished motivation to change our situation.  Do I believe people who need help because of unforeseen circumstances should get it?  Of course, but via private charities funded by voluntary contributions.

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