BCT Editorial – 2/3/10


This page was last updated on February 3, 2010.

Reality check; Editorial; Beaver County Times; February 3, 2010.

This is another one of those head spinning editorials if you’re familiar with past Times editorials.

We read, “With the exception of a brief moment of fiscal sanity at the end of the Clinton administration, soon trashed by the Bush administration and GOP-controlled Congress, the federal government has been living way beyond its means for far too long.”  This represents the third explanation for the late 1990s budgets.  Just three days ago “Concrete steps” told us the balanced budgets of the late 1990s were forced upon us by law (“pay-go”).  One month ago “Under control” told us it was about “gridlock … and revenue from a healthy economy.”  Now we read it was simply “a brief moment of fiscal sanity.”  I wonder how many more explanations the Times will provide over time.

As for the “GOP-controlled Congress” comment, the editorial fails to note it was a Republican-majority Congress during the late 1990s as well.  The editorial also fails to note Democrats did nothing to put the brakes on spending, such as filibustering.  Remember, Republicans were never close to a filibuster-proof majority (60) in the Senate.  None of this should be interpreted to excuse Republicans.  I point this out so we remember most of these guys -- regardless of party -- spent far more than they should.  Another interesting point to ponder is the same people who claim Democrats couldn’t do anything when they were the minority now blame the minority Republicans for stopping Democrat initiatives.  You can’t have it both ways, especially when Democrats have a larger majority than did Republicans and even had a filibuster-proof majority for at least six months.

Times editorials whining about deficits and debt would be laughable if the topic weren’t so serious.  I documented the Times changing positions in “Under control.”  Further, check the history of Times editorials and you find they support just about every spending program that comes down the pike.

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