BCT Editorial – 3/28/10


This page was last updated on March 28, 2010.

A not-so civil war; Editorial; Beaver County Times; March 28, 2010.

An editorial entitled “A not-so civil war” is itself a character assassination and name-calling rant.  You have to “appreciate” the chutzpah.

In case you didn’t get the “von Papen” reference, Franz von Papen was a Vice Chancellor of Germany and an enabler of Adolf Hitler, though von Papen wasn’t a Nazi himself.  Therefore, we have the Times accusing Republicans of enabling modern-day Hitlers and Nazis.  Gee, what a surprise.  Does the Times not know the Nazis (National Socialists) were on the left?

As for the acts described in the editorial, I take them with a grain of salt given the Times editorial and reporting bodies of work.  Some of the name-calling accusations were seen to be false based on video/audio recordings.  Let’s also remember the left likes to blame the right for lefty actions.  You may recall last August Denver Democrats immediately blamed Republicans for some broken windows.  It turned out the culprit was a Democrat activist who had done work for the party.

The editorial jumps to the conclusion the alleged acts were the actions of “right-wing populists” (a term as yet undefined by the Times).  In case the Times missed it, a bunch of “the loony left” is upset at the healthcare bill because it isn’t an immediate jump to a government-run, taxpayer-funded healthcare monopoly.  Let’s also remember the alleged “pro-life” Democrats furious because they believe Rep. Bart Stupak (D-MI) sold out.  On that subject, did you note the editorial failed to mention “the living Hell” Mr. Stupak said he went through at the hands of lefties upset about his (now known to be phony) “pro-life” opposition to the healthcare bill?  And where was the mention of a bullet going through the window of one of Rep. Eric Cantor (R-VA) district offices?

The editorial asks, “Do you sanction a movement that has to make its points through verbal and physical intimidation?”  Even if the alleged acts occurred, they represent acts of a very few, not “a movement.”  On the other hand, who ran the G-20 protests in Pittsburgh?  When was the last time you saw a violent gathering of the right?  Who made the following comment?  “If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun.”  It was “right-wing populist” Sen. Barack Obama (D-IL) speaking at a Philadelphia fundraiser during his 2008 presidential campaign.

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