BCT Editorial – 3/28/10


This page was last updated on March 28, 2010.

Off the deep end; Editorial; Beaver County Times; March 28, 2010.

This editorial is yet another example of selective concern by the Times.  If the alleged act (“tossing two dollar bills into [a wheelchair-bound man’s] lap”) occurred, it was a classless one for sure.  That said, where was the editorial last August when a wheelchair-bound man protesting at a St. Louis town hall meeting [held by Rep. Russ Carnahan (D-MO)] was beat up by a bunch of people wearing SEIU shirts?

What is a “right-wing populist?”  This description is now common in Times editorials but I don’t recall seeing any editorials define it.  I suspect it means anyone not on the left and/or anyone who disagrees with the Times, but who knows?

Finally, can’t the Times afford proofreaders?  I’m referring to “Reichert is seen shouting at and tossing two dollar bills into Reichert’s lap.”

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