BCT Editorial – 4/21/10


This page was last updated on April 22, 2010.

Hate crimes; Editorial; Beaver County Times; April 21, 2010.

The editorial said, “On April 19, 1995, Timothy McVeigh, a right-wing militia type, took out his hatred of the federal government by setting off a car bomb outside the Alfred P. Murrach [sic] Federal Building in Oklahoma City.”  First, note the attempt to link the disturbed McVeigh with militias.  Mr. McVeigh did not belong to any militia, though early reports at the time made that erroneous claim.  Heck, Mr. McVeigh even quit the NRA because he felt it was too weak on gun control.

Second, the part about Mr. McVeigh’s “hatred of the federal government” as being the reason for the Murrah Building bombing is also misleading in that it sounds like the reason was just a generic “hatred of the federal government.”  Though nothing could justify it, the Murrah bombing was Mr. McVeigh’s revenge for the government messes at Ruby Ridge (two dead civilians) and Waco (82 dead civilians and four dead ATF agents).  It was not a coincidence the Murrah bombing took place on the second anniversary of Waco’s deadly conclusion.

Finally, though perhaps I’m nitpicking, Mr. McVeigh used a truck bomb, not “a car bomb.”

Though just a little more subtle and no mention is made of tea partiers, this editorial is just another example of the recent media attempts to try and tie tea parties to violence even though there has been no tea party violence.

As for the SPLC, I believe it’s wise to perform due diligence about anything the SPLC claims.  Based on what I’ve heard in interviews with the SPLC, it’s an organization driven by leftist leanings.  That said, I did note some lefty so-called hate groups on the SPLC list.

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