BCT Editorial – 5/20/10


This page was last updated on May 25, 2010.

Marathon man; Editorial; Beaver County Times; May 20, 2010.

The editorial says, “The line on U.S. Sen. Arlen Specter was that his toughest race was the Republican primary election because many in the GOP saw him as a RINO - a Republican in name only.”  More than “many in the GOP saw him as a RINO;” so did the Times.  The editorial failed to mention the Times routinely supported Mr. Specter and in 2004 the Times even endorsed him over the Democrat candidate.  Given the Times firm leftist stance on most (all?) issues, why would the Times endorse a Republican over a Democrat if it didn’t believe Mr. Specter’s election was good for the leftist cause?

Something else the editorial failed to address is this.  Knowing what he did, how could so many Democrats (46%) vote for Mr. Specter?

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