BCT Editorial – 5/26/10


This page was last updated on May 27, 2010.

Diversify; Editorial; Beaver County Times; May 26, 2010.

The editorial leads off with “One reason the Pittsburgh area hasn't been hit as hard as others parts of the country by the worst economic downturn since the Great Depression is the dominance of so-called eds and meds - education and medicine - in the local economy.”  So is the Times finally admitting spending taxpayer paychecks on things like “economic development” and subsidies don’t really work, or does the editorial board think we forgot about BCTA, PAT, SEPTA, Lord & Taylor, Lazarus, U.S. Airways via the Midfield Terminal, PNC Bank via subsidies for construction of its new office building, Toll Route 60 (now part of I-376), and on and on and on.  Weren’t all of these things supposed to spur our economy?

Finally, if you read closely you noted the Times admitted “the dominance of so-called eds and meds” was driven by government spending and thus can’t be maintained.  Despite this, the Times continues to support just about every government spending plan that comes down the pike.

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