BCT Editorial – 8/19/10


This page was last updated on August 19, 2010.

A bad sign; Editorial; Beaver County Times; August 19, 2010.

Though the editorial doesn’t come out and say it, the editorial is all about the credibility of the mainstream media (MSM), including the “12 alive” Times.  Whether in explicit opinion pieces or so-called “news” stories, many of us know we can’t trust the content.

I’m sure the Times would like us to forget all about Rathergate.  For years the MSM claimed all they needed were more documents to prove then-President Bush did one bad thing or another.  It didn’t matter how many documents were made public, it was never enough.  (You don’t see President Obama getting that treatment from the MSM.)  When all the published documents didn’t produce the Holy Grail, CBS 60 Minutes II and Dan Rather resorted to using forged documents.  My records indicate Times editorials didn’t even mention the incident for nearly six years.  When a Times editorial finally mentioned Rathergate, it tried to provide cover by making it sound like Mr. Rather et al were duped.

Building on something the Times likes to write, “The Times and fellow travelers have sown the wind, and they now must reap the whirlwind.”

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