BCT Editorial – 9/10/10


This page was last updated on September 10, 2010.

Unfixable; Editorial; Beaver County Times; September 10, 2010.  At the time I published this critique, the URL for the editorial

The Times has published at least 55 anti-smoking-on-private-property editorials since March 2005 and this is the third smoking-related editorial in seven days.

What is the Times obsession with smoking?  I’m a nonsmoker and always have been.  When I choose to be in areas that permit smoking, tobacco smoke occasionally burns my eyes, irritates my throat, and I hate the stink of smoke on my clothes.  I’ve also had friends get annoyed with me when I wouldn’t allow them to smoke in my car and residence.  Despite my dislike of tobacco smoke, I wouldn’t dream of telling someone that he could not permit smoking on his private property.

The Times activity on this issue presents a teachable moment.  Both of us don’t like tobacco smoke.  A conservative approaches the problem by addressing his own behavior and property.  In other words, I choose not to smoke, don’t allow smoking on my property, and tend to avoid places that allow smoking.  A leftist approaches the problem by seeking to impose anti-smoking laws and is not happy until he has imposed his will on everyone else, even on their private property.

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