BCT Editorial – 2/10/11


This page was last updated on February 10, 2011.

False prophets; Editorial; Beaver County Times; February 10, 2011.

Before I begin, I need to note I’m not a big believer in heroes and tend not to place people on a pedestal.

The editorial says, “Over the last week or so, Republicans have been falling all over each other to praise Ronald Reagan on the centenary of his birth, which was Sunday.  The problem is that, for the most part, they were perpetuating a myth regarding our nation’s influential 40th president (much as Democrats have done with John F. Kennedy).”  It’s interesting the author chose to mention JFK instead of FDR.  The editorial could also have said “Over the last week or so, Democrats have been falling all over each other to compare President Obama with Ronald Reagan.”  Given the lefty bashing of Mr. Reagan for at least the last 30 years, why?

The editorial says, “As governor, he [Reagan] signed a bill legalizing abortion.”  True, but the editorial failed to provide context.  In a letter to Rep. Henry Hyde (R-IL) in 1976, Mr. Reagan wrote, “The only circumstance under which I felt [abortion] could be justified was self-defense, a concept deeply rooted in our laws and traditions.  If a mother’s life is endangered by her own unborn child, she has a right to protect her life.  I do not believe, however, that abortion of a less-than-perfect child, or abortion for convenience sake or abortion because ‘a mistake’ has been made can be justified.  The bill I signed followed the self-defense concept.  As time was to prove, however, it contained one flaw.  The self-defense concept also included a provision in cases where a mother’s mental health might be irreparably damaged.  This required professional certification, but as we were to learn, it became subject to very liberal interpretation by some psychiatrists to justify abortions that should not have been made.”  I couldn’t find another source for this comment, but according to Wikipedia, “Reagan had been in office for only four months when he signed the bill, and stated that had he been more experienced as governor, it would not have been signed.  After he recognized what he called the ‘consequences’ of the bill, he announced that he was pro-life.”

When considering Mr. Reagan’s actions while President, keep in mind Republicans were the majority in the Senate for only six years and Democrats were the majority in the House for his entire presidency.

The editorial says, “Reagan agreed to large tax increases.”  Again, the editorial fails to tell the whole story.  First, the Times fails to mention the tax rate cuts of 1981.  Second, I believe the editorial is referring specifically to TEFRA, not the overall effect of the Reagan-era tax bills.  Third, President Reagan agreed to TEFRA on the promise Congress would eventually approve $3 in spending cuts for every $1 of tax increase.  Fourth, the overall effect of the Reagan-era tax bills was a net decrease in taxes relative to GDP.

The editorial says, “he [President Reagan] signed a bill that offered amnesty to illegal immigrants.”  The editorial refers to the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 (aka Simpson-Mazzoli Act).  Estimates are about three million illegal aliens received amnesty.  The editorial fails to note the bill was also supposed to crack down on illegal immigration.  At the time, we didn’t have the luxury of knowing amnesty not only doesn’t work, it encourages illegal immigration by holding out the hope that if an illegal alien is patient, he too will be granted amnesty.  If Mr. Reagan knew then what we know now, would he have signed the Simpson-Mazzoli Act?  I don’t know.

The editorial says, President Reagan “even negotiated with the enemy - Mikhail Gorbachev and congressional Democrats.”  Duh!  Mr. Reagan was President, not a dictator.  The editorial failed to note Mr. Reagan negotiated from strength and refused to include U.S. cruise missiles and SDI in any agreement.  Lest we forget, it was Mr. Reagan who said, “General Secretary Gorbachev, if you seek peace, if you seek prosperity for the Soviet Union and eastern Europe, if you seek liberalization, come here to this [Brandenburg] gate.  Mr. Gorbachev, open this gate.  Mr. Gorbachev, Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!”  About two-and-a-half years later, the Berlin Wall fell.  As for negotiating with “congressional Democrats,” they were the majority party in the House throughout the Reagan administration and the majority in the Senate for the last two years.  Had Mr. Reagan not negotiated with the Democrats, nothing would have been done.

The editorial says, “Our quarrel isn’t with Reagan.”  Sure.  Have you seen a similar Times editorial about JFK or St. FDR?  Then again, in today’s world, JFK might not be lefty enough for the Times.

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