BCT Editorial – 2/16/11


This page was last updated on February 16, 2011.

Role model; Editorial; Beaver County Times; February 16, 2011.

Given its political ideology, I bet the Times had to swallow hard to publish an editorial praising a Founding Father, especially that imperialist/oppressor/warmonger/etc. George Washington. <g>

The editorial says, “The Egyptian military is at this crossroads.  Over the weekend, its leaders suspended the constitution and dissolved parliament.  They called for free elections to be held within six months.  The first two moves are understandable because it is important to bring peace and stability to Egypt.”  I know nothing about Egypt’s constitution and parliament, but why would “suspend[ing] the constitution and dissolv[ing] parliament” help “bring peace and stability?”  The editorial doesn’t answer that question.

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