BCT Editorial – 3/13/11


This page was last updated on March 14, 2011.

Corbett’s cuts; Editorial; Beaver County Times; March 13, 2011.

Gov. Corbett’s budget presented the Times with a quandary.  The Times wanted to jump on Mr. Corbett (and probably Republicans in general) for “clobber[ing] low-income schools” and that’s what the editorial does.  The problem for the Times was this; the editorial conceded “Many rural school districts in the so-called Republican T depend on state aid to cover more than half of their expenditures.”  This meant the Times couldn’t describe this aspect of Mr. Corbett’s budget as politics-motivated since, as alleged by the editorial, it would target “Many rural school districts in the so-called Republican T.”

The Times didn’t give up though.  The editorial concluded with “No doubt the lawmakers representing these school districts, many of them Republicans, will want to have some say in the final outcome.”

Finally, did you note what was missing from the editorial?  Despite all the editorials we read professing to abhor deficits and debt, nowhere did this editorial seem to find spending cuts of which the Times approved.  This is just more evidence the Times merely cries crocodile tears when it “complains” about deficits and debt (here and here).

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