BCT Editorial – 5/22/11


This page was last updated on May 23, 2011.

Water damage; Editorial; Beaver County Times; May 22, 2011.

Given the editorial’s title and the statement “The national environmental group America Rivers last week put the central Pennsylvania waterway [Susquehanna River] at the top of its annual ‘most endangered rivers’ list,” you might think there are real problems with the river.  Not until the fourth paragraph does the editorial concede “the paper [Patriot-News of Harrisburg] reported there is no evidence fracking has contaminated some water wells.”

As I’ve written previously, companies harvesting our natural resources must do so in a responsible manner and must have the financial and technological wherewithal to handle worst-case scenarios.  It is government’s responsibility to enforce these rules and to make sure everyone involved [businesses and government (local, state, federal)] is prepared (via drills, for example) to execute disaster plans.  In the very, very unlikely case we can’t do this while providing a commercially-viable energy source, there should be no drilling until we can.

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