Cynthia K. Adams – 4/19/05

This page was last updated on April 21, 2005.

No reason to snub Carter; Cynthia K. Adams; Beaver County Times; April 19, 2005.

Below is a detailed critique of the subject letter.

“This is in response to Thursday’s letter regarding the failure of the Bush administration to include former President Carter in the group representing the United States at Pope John Paul II’s funeral.

“The official version was that there was not enough room.”

[RWC] Ms. Adams fails to note Mr. Carter could have attended the funerals of Popes Paul VI and John Paul I in 1978 as President of the United States but chose not to do so.  Further, he didn’t ask any former presidents to join the group that represented the U.S.  I don’t know if it was a factor or not, but the only living former presidents at the time were both Republicans.

“I believe that in reality there is one, and only one, reason why Carter was not included.  It is because he had the audacity to sit beside Michael Moore at the Democratic National Convention so the Bush family froze him out.”

[RWC] Where do people come up with these ideas?

If someone is going to accuse President Bush of being petty, there are plenty of other “good” reasons from which to choose.  If President Bush was being petty, why did he include Bill Clinton, the man who beat his father in 1992?

A more credible charge of pettiness regarding Jimmy Carter would have been to claim the alleged “snub” was because Mr. Carter has constantly attacked President Bush and U.S. policies.  I guess Ms. Adams hasn’t noticed the mean-spirited attacks Mr. Carter has been making on President Bush for the last few years.  Indeed, he won the Nobel Peace Prize in 2002 in part because of his international Bush-bashing.  I could be wrong but I don’t recall Ronald Reagan or Bush #41 bashing Bill Clinton when he was in office.

Despite this, I doubt pettiness played a role.  All you need to do is look at how President Bush has treated his adversaries.  Mr. Bush is a long way from being a saint, but he appears to be far more “forgiving” than I believe I would be.

“And while the Bush family may have a right to be personally offended by Carter’s decision, the Bush administration needs to make the distinction between personal actions and official government actions.

“It needs to remember that Carter is a living former president, still a loved and respected representative of this country and its people, and, as such, should be treated accordingly.”

[RWC] How many United States citizens “love” Mr. Carter?  Mr. Carter is not a representative of the United States or its people.

“Whatever the Bush family’s personal feelings toward Carter may be, there should be no room for them in official government business.  This was not a Bush family shindig - this was official representation of the United States at a world event.  Carter had as much of a right to represent this country as another living former president who attended, George H.W. Bush.”

[RWC] If Ms. Adams’ motive wasn’t clear before, it is now.  Note that she mentioned only President Bush’s father, not Bill Clinton.  You’ll recall President Bush took both his father and Bill Clinton.

I was surprised any former presidents were included, but I thought it was evenhanded to include a Democrat and a Republican.

“Further, where are all those famous religious beliefs and ideals President Bush is constantly jamming down our throats?

“What happened to turn the other cheek?  It is one thing for a person to stand up and say in a nice, quiet respectful voice that they are religious, and another to actually live those beliefs.

“He talks the talk, but does he really walk the walk?”

[RWC] Ms. Adams has a selective memory.  She seems to forget how gracious President Bush has been to his opponents.

When Bill Clinton’s portrait was hung in the White House, President Bush made a very flattering presentation.  Both President Bush and his father gave gracious speeches at the opening of Mr. Clinton’s presidential library.

Despite the offensive things Sen. Edward Kennedy (D-MA) has said about President Bush, Mr. Bush has hosted Kennedy at the White House to watch movies.  A foundation associated with Bush #41 even gave Mr. Kennedy the 2003 George [H.W.] Bush Award for Excellence in Public Service.

These are only a few examples.

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