William A. Alexander – 7/20/05

This page was last updated on July 23, 2005.

Santorum tricks the people; William A. Alexander; Beaver County Times; July 20, 2005.

Another rant by Mr. Alexander.

Below is a detailed critique of the letter.

“I have previously written in this forum about Rick Santorum, our junior senator, stealing $100,000 from the state of Pennsylvania and the borough of Penn Hills for his children’s education.”

[RWC] My critique of Mr. Alexander’s previous letter is here.  Folks like Mr. Alexander are quick to throw around allegations of criminal activity.

“Santorum has changed his position now from ‘His children met the residence requirements’ to ‘Even though his children did not live there, Penn Hills only had seven days to object, and they did not notify him in time so he does not owe the $100,000.’

“This is ridiculous!  It is as if the police have seven days to catch a thief or else he is free to keep the money he stole.  If this is the law, it should be changed.

“The taxpayers of Pennsylvania and specifically the residents of Penn Hills were shortchanged when Santorum tricked Penn Hills and Pennsylvania into paying for his children’s education while his children lived in Virginia.”

[RWC] Sen. Santorum could probably have handled this better, but our representatives are placed in a tough position.  Should a representative have to live away from his family for extended periods of time?  There is no way a senator could live at home and serve in the Senate, unless his home is already within driving distance of Washington, DC.

Sen. Santorum maintains a house in the Penn Hills school district, pays property taxes on the house, and pays the PA income tax.  He moved his family to a Washington, DC, suburb so they would not be separated most of the year.  I believe the Santorums clearly weren’t trying to cheat anyone because they paid the same PA and school district taxes they would have if they resided in PA.

“We normal people lose our jobs or are jailed for embezzling much less than $100,000 from our employer or the government.  Why should Santorum get a free ride?  He appears to have embezzled from both his employer (us) and the government.”

[RWC] Mr. Alexander needs to check a dictionary for the definition of “embezzle.”

A “free ride?”  I guess paying Penn Hills and PA taxes doesn’t count.

“I used to think Santorum should pay the $100,000-plus back.  Now I think he should lose his job and then pay it back, if not today, certainly next year, when we have the choice to vote for him or someone else.

“We need to ask ourselves, do Santorum’s actions exhibit the ethical and moral standards we should expect from a U.S. senator?

“I believe the answer is a resounding no.”

[RWC] Wow, I didn’t see that coming! <g>.

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