William A. Alexander – 1/15/07

This page was last updated on January 15, 2007.

Inauguration was special; William A. Alexander; Beaver County Times; January 15, 2007.

Mr. Alexander has written at least 21 letters since December 2004, and they all – except perhaps this one – bashed Republicans for something.

Below is a detailed critique of the letter.

“Thank you U.S. Rep. Jason Altmire for the opportunity to attend your swearing-in ceremony.

“It was a great day for the four busloads of supporters, who were able to accept your offer and share that special day with you, your family and staff.  For many I am sure it was their first time to visit their representative’s Washington, D.C., offices and see some of our great nation’s capital.

“Your staff deserves recognition for an outstanding job in organizing the trip and making everyone feel welcome and appreciated.

“Thanks again, and good luck with your new adventure.  We surely needed you.”

[RWC] I apologize for the name-calling, but geez, what a suck-up!

Mr. Alexander’s record is still intact.  In none of his Melissa Hart bashing letters did Mr. Alexander tell us why people should have voted for Mr. Altmire.  Mr. Alexander never mentioned Mr. Altmire’s position on any issue.  Mr. Alexander still hasn’t told us why “[w]e surely needed [Mr. Altmire],” unless we should infer it’s Mr. Altmire’s ability to organize a bus trip for his supporters. <g>

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