Sherry Allen – 9/30/08

This page was last updated on October 1, 2008.

Don’t vote out of fear; Sherry Allen; Beaver County Times; September 30, 2008.

Ms. Allen wrote three previous letters I didn’t critique.  One (“Conserving water for future,” 1/13/08) asked us to conserve water (primarily by not eating meat) and another (“Say ‘no’ to push polling,” 2/10/08) complained about alleged telephone “push polls” by Republicans, and the third was (“Plant a garden to offset oil usage,” 8/1/08).  In one letter I did critique, Ms. Allen gushed about a book she found “that has hundreds of ideas on how to save our planet.”  In a partisan letter, Ms. Allen concluded with “Let’s endeavor to walk together peacefully.”

Below is a detailed critique of the letter.

“I hear and share the concern of letter writers about how vital this election is.  Most of us realize that 50 percent of registered voters won’t vote.  Sadly, this year it may be higher, but maybe there is hope.

“I’m encouraged to know two hard-working Republicans who are facing the reality of the last eight years.

“They wish to remain anonymous because of the reaction of friends and family, but they are crossing party lines for the first time to vote for Barack Obama.”

[RWC] Have you noticed how every election year “anonymous … hard-working Republicans” suddenly stop voting based on their core principles “for the first time” and switch to the leftist candidate with whom they share no core principles?  Sure is convenient, isn’t it?  It’s like the letters from Republican impersonators.  Notice Ms. Allen felt she had to add “hard-working” to describe her alleged Republicans.  That tells Ms. Allen believes most Republicans aren’t “hard-working.”

“They believe Obama will bring our troops home soon and is less likely to embrace another war.  They view the other candidate as a clear-and-present danger to their grandchildren, great-grandchildren and our troops.  They’re refusing to be swayed by fear this time.”

[RWC] Note Ms. Allen didn’t tell us what her “anonymous … hard-working Republicans” used to be afraid of, but in the post shown below she claims “My Republicans voted last time out of fear of terrorism.”  Now, however, “they are voting out of fear of McCain/Palin’s blatant lies.”

As far as Mr. Obama bringing out troops home soon, you’ll note Ms. Allen didn’t even mention U.S. national security.  Further, Mr. Obama keeps switching his position on this.  If anyone believes Mr. McCain wouldn’t bring our troops home as soon as is compatible with our national security, they likely haven’t been paying attention.  As a reminder, Mr. Obama opposed the troop surge.  Even today he admits its success so far only with a figurative gun held to his head.

“Imagine how many more citizens out there feel this way.

“A friend who supervised the polls said, ‘Remember, you don’t have to tell anyone who you’re voting for, just vote your principles.’

“Help us stop traveling on the bridge to nowhere.  Please vote on Nov. 4.”

[RWC] Why does Ms. Allen want us to stop traveling on the Fort Duquesne Bridge? <g>  What Ms. Allen failed to note is, while Gov. Palin opposed the Alaska “bridge to nowhere,” Messrs. Obama and Biden continued to support it.

In any case, Ms. Allen really doesn’t want Beaver County voters to vote their principles.  If they did, most local Democrats would stop voting for Democrat candidates, especially those who run for President and U.S. senator.

Below is a posting on the Times website allegedly from Ms. Allen.

“apilgrim’spen wrote on Oct 1, 2008 3:30 PM:

“ Scared,

“I was surprised by the title the editor gave my letter.  My Republicans voted last time out of fear of terrorism.  This time they are voting out of fear of McCain/Palin’s blatant lies.

“We’re on the bridge to nowhere and the Republicans are cruising for the precipice.  But maybe the Democrats would go slower.

“Stop being scared.  We are safe, but our troops aren’t.  Sadly they’re six to one in favor of Obama, but you know who is going to discount their votes.

“We share something in common.  I crossed party lines after Mission Acomplished [sic], and learning the real reason we’re hated.  It’s not freedom.

“The world will go on after the election no matter who wins.

“Life’s too short to be scared.

“‘This too will pass.’”

Note Ms. Allen now wants us to believe she was a Republican until President Bush’s speech on the USS Abraham Lincoln in 2003.  Based on Ms. Allen’s letter history, it appears we have another Republican impersonator to add to the list.  If not, Ms. Allen is/was a member of the wrong party.

As usual, note the absence of details.  Ms. Allen refers to “McCain/Palin’s blatant lies” but doesn’t identify even one.  Ms. Allen claims our armed forces are “six to one in favor of Obama,” but doesn’t tell us how she knows this.  As far as “discount[ing] their [the troops] votes,” that sounds like projection.  You see, that’s what Democrats did in the 2000 election.  Finally, Ms. Allen said she learned “the real reason we’re hated,” but didn’t tell us what that reason is.  It must be nice to be able to make allegations and feel no responsibility to support them with fact.

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